Prepatch PTR is in a terrible state

Professions not working and not even showing at all. Honor UI is bugged EVERYWHERE, it just shows different random numbers, but gives a totally different amount. As I understand nobody can fly in Azeroth in prepatch yet, but druids can. A huge amount of UI glitches and bugs.

I just hope you release it in 3! days fixed, otherwise it would just destroy the cata right from the beginning


Relax, Blizzard are a AAA developer. What could go wrong?


And my favourite tauren racial, that gives 5% base hp is still not working… 3 years OF NOT WORKING, a freaking RACIAL, 3 years…

Breathe 4 Seconds in…now hold 7 Seconds…8 Seconds breathe out…now together with me

I have serious doubts they fix all these issues with the official release in 3 days.


Looks like they won’t they have their priority set on 10.2.7. MoP Remix at the moment and War within prepatch and launch. We would get fixes vey slowly and very late I suppose, when above mentioned events would become live, so I expect little to no fixed untill July :sob:

Yeah and still no raid testing, Very weird and different from previous Classic Xpack releases.

Nah they don’t care, they just want to tick it fast and close the whole classic project. It will be dead soon anyway.

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My felguard still has no felstorm on Beta/PTR…