Prepatch woes

So without corruption roles as tank/healer will have an even harder time to solo content. Are you buffing their abilities enough? Are you nerfing all the mobs accordingly? (visions/rares/elites/worldbosses etc)?

Balancing things in a prepatch :smiley: nice joke. Please another one.

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having a functional character that can do solo content at a decent pace thanks to infinitestars/td/etc turn into a a non functional character isnt ‘‘balance’’ its the basics

You have functional character. Tanks and healers can do solo content perfectly fine now and they can do it in prepatch too. And ofx you can always switch to dps spec which every class has.

?? u played on ptr with holy priest? prot war?

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I mean is not like people can switch spec if doing solo content is so hard on tank spec.

For sure is not worth balancing things for a prepatch

what solo content you want to do in prepatch anyways?
I think there is not much to do except running old raids, so that will not be more difficult.

I think the dmg will be upped a little bit and strong enough. Going around in the world on ptr, everything dies with using 2 skills ;\

To be honest…I won’t even play until SL…

Warrior sadly needs so much more tuning and arms actually needs mechanical changes

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Visions mostly and world bosses/rares elites Vale uldum

prot pala does still incredible dmg and so does holy pala. Overall i think the dmg/hp ratio is a little better now without corruptions and things actually die quicker, especially if you hadn’t max corruptions

From what i heard visions are gona be harder in pre patch, but not just for tank or healers

well duh td makes 5masks faceroll on tanks. this content gives nice tmog/mount/pets so i think it needs to be as easy as before

Visions are exclusively 8.3 content. 8.3 is gone, everyone will be much weaker, not only tanks and healers. Warrior has fury/arms spec, priest has shadow. You can switch if you feel you can’t do that content with healer/tank. End of story.

If you think they will rebalance every BfA content so it is as easy as it was with corruption you are desilusional. You’ve had insane amount of time to do that content with corruptions, 8.3 probably has been the longest patch we ever had.

Its not only about td, things hurt there way more cause of different K values,

Afaik tmog is same as nya? There are only 2 mounts, one is realy rng and not sure aboud drone stayin in pre patch, but should be.
I dont care about pets, got 3/3 of every single one and deleted tons of them, so if u want some i can send you…

Only thing worth farming is weapon ilusion, its not exactly nice, but im glad i got it.

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