Today I noticed something odd, my Presence of Mind spell was never consumed after use, instead it remained on me indefinitely.
This means that all my spells with a cast-time are now instant all the time (at least as long as Presence of Mind is on me), such as Arcane Blast, Conjure Water, Conjure Mana Ruby and so on.
Is this a bug or an intended feature that I’ve somehow missed? Has anyone else experienced this?
Please report this as a bug and thank you!
Found this behavior while doing quests on my mage (this char) on SoD. Then found this thread. Posting my repro steps:
- Cast Arcane Blast
- Queue up Presence of Mind while instantly casting Arcane Blast
Presence of Mind becomes a permanent buff until you cast Chronostatic Preservation.
The buff will maintain through casting Conjure Food/Water, Polymorph,Blizzard, Flamestrike etc.
Talents/Runes -
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Confirming that the buff remains permanent by simply casting Presence of Mind then casting an Arcane Blast.
My character:
Ezcritz - Living Flame (level 49) - EU
Talents -
Equipment (Item - Rune):
Whitemane’s Chapeau - Advanced Warding
Triune Amulet
Inquisitor’s Shawl
Cloak of Invention - Arcane Barrage
Darkmist Wraps of the Owl - Enlightment
Sorcerer Bracelets of the Eagle - Rewind Time
Jumanza Grips - Arcane Blast
Gaea’s Belt of the Owl - Missile Barrage
Conjurer’s Breeches of the Whale - Mass Regeneration
Soutshea Mojo Boots - Chronostatic Preservation
Skull Ring - Arcane Specialization
Seal of Sylvanas - Meditation Specialization