Preserve water consumption

I’m running 4 healers in the CATA expansion, I love it!

The amount of water consumed during a regular HC is however tremendous, especially when locks don’t bring their own water.
The amount healed is perfectly fine, could we spare nature a bit and continuous downtime due to healers drinking?

Is this only my experience?
Will this become less relevant with gear upgrades? (Current I am at around 350 ilvl.)

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You probably do not use your CDs properly or your group is trash ( not using their CDs, interrupts and not following mechanics).

The mana is a huge issue at the beginning when you are at 330 ilvl, but with 350 it should be fine (drink 2 times per dungeon approx)
Maybe consider grabbing more spirit or reading some guide :slight_smile:

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Also Cata is design to be “smart healing” ( to use your CDs and not to top everyone every single time without any thinking)

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It’s more the rush / go go mentality that’s the issue for me

Tanks with greens are jumping into two packs and getting smashed and need spam healing and barely survivng

I dont mind if they pull two packs /ignore huge pools on floor/ never interrupt but that all takes like 2 or 3 times more healing which uses up a lot of mana, freaking chill out for 20secs before next pull.

Kids need to take there meds before playing calm their gass’s down abit

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