Priest Barrier killing FPS in raids

Is this happening to anyone else ? Literally FPS drops to around 20 during barriers.

On top Theralion and Valiona are also causing very noticeable FPS drops, along with multiple other bosses. At least for me this is the case. And I have zero issues running retail content, let alone Cata.

My PC is quite solid, and in comparison to the hardware that was available back in the days of Cata, my setup is about 5x as powerful. So there is literally no reason for any kind of FPS drops. Especially since iv never experienced anything like this in Wotlk, ever.

BugSack is not reporting any luaerrors from addons. So the only thing that comes to mind is Blizzard did not optimize something.

Anyone else have any of these issues ?


I noticed this with Ray Traced Shadows on, Turned it off seems fine for now

Fairly sure I had that off. But guess il double check.

Edit: Yeah, I had that off.

You’re not alone. It’s affecting around half of our raid team, some way worse than others. My fps drops to around 15 during barrier.

Someone noted that it may be due to Details addon. Try disabling tracking barrier there. This worked for someone. Not for me though.

Correct. This is mostly it. I did disable it. And it is better. BUT you still notice the drop, which is annoying af -.-

Did not try turning details off as of yet. Might give it a whirl.

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