Priest DPS in SoD

As most people know Dps priest is currently the lowest damage of all the specs, and while the developers are giving the buffs, putting a first aid bandage on a gaping wound is not going to help anything.
I know most people will say “Don’t expect to play shadow priest before getting shadow form” and I don’t. But I do expect to play the game and be able to do some damage. Using penance, holy fire, smite, homunculus and wands are fine in the first phase, but even with those tools were are very undertuned.

Honestly Priest are really strong in general. Leveling, World PvP, Soloing, Healing are all things that priest are arguable the strongest at, but the one thing priest is not able to do is damage in PvE content. The main problem is that priest dps is not very different from back in classic (where they were also the worst) and while the runes help, it’s not really going to change a whole class when all we get is a few new dps abilities. I don’t expect to be top of the charts, but doing 1/3rd the damage of other classes is just sad.

It seems Blizzard refuses to change any of the classic abilities, and only buff/nerf runes if they can. I think there should be no reason they can’t change the base but oh well.
Priest got 3 buffs and all of those buffs were 100% or more damage increase on different runes. While I don’t think any ability should ever need 100% or more damage increase (since it should just have been stronger from the start) it’s at least a start. The biggest problem here is the fact that they buffed 2 runes on the same piece. This means that whichever you pick, you can only get 2 of the 3 buffed runes, completely negating 33% of the buffs in essence. I really hope for next phase Blizzards changes some of the gameplay of DPS priest, by giving them a different profile of damage, new rotation and/or a way to not go oom after 30s of combat. My hope is that we get insanity as a new spending tool in Shadowform, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they give us shadowfiend or dispersion and call it a day. Another option is to change penance to a shadow ability (like retail disc priest) whenever you are in shadow form. Using penance for damage is fine imo, but it would suck to go out of shadow form every time you used it. Another option for giving them more damage without changing the class directly is to do like Phoenix Gloves and give us some rep-farmable tailoring recipes that can craft pieces of shadow damage gear which are otherwise difficult/impossible to get outside raid, since this will give us a straight damage increase, even before clearing the raid and getting lucky.

A problem most people point out is the Homunculus. Please give them a pet bar or similar. And if you won’t do that (since you’re likely giving us shadowfiend in a future patch) at least make the spell Homunculus be used while it’s on cooldown to either stop attacks and return to you, or attack the target if you have one. Having them not attack when you need them to, and see them run super far to attack 1 mob/player that you didn’t even want to attack is quite annoying.

Another issue is that Blizzard is buffing runes that were already good in PvP, and it’s now going to create an even bigger problem in PvP and in general in the future. Please don’t just put all the damage from a class into 1 ability, that’s no fun for us, or anyone else who plays against it.

A number of these issues are more or less the same with Balance druid and Elemental shaman, since they are now also getting huge rune buffs that will make them do all of their damage because of 1-2 runes, which will have to be re-balanced next patch, since it will likely ruin PvP for most other classes.

Hope Blizzard will find a better way of doing this (such as making better passives that affect multiple abilities or actually balancing the base kit)


If it makes you feel any better Frost Mage dps is lower than Priest dps.

You make good and valid points but i suspect your damage output isn’t being treated seruiously because of how powerful a healer priests presently are. With any luck this is one of those things that balances out naturally as SoD develops.

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Priest is just one of those classes that needs those extra levels to get key talents and few ranks of spells, and then proper gear. With the recent buffs, it should not be that bad but we just won’t be BFD pumpers, while still being needed as a priest that can dispell and heal a lot.

Caster gear, as a whole, not sufficiently powerful.

Blizzard needs to take all the spellpower values on gear and increase them by a good 20%.

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Shadow priest is never gonna be good at 25.

Theres possibilities it gets stronger, more runes to come, ofcourse the income of shadow form among other talents.

But we will have to wait and see.

Isnt shadow one of the lowest on era also tho? As far as im aware their only rly brjng one for the shadow debuff.

yes, as a support class of warlocks

Why are ppl thinking 25 is the end game? Not any class are “complete” at lvl 25, shadow priest shines with some main talents and without those its gonna be a struggle, Spriest got buffed on wednesday, but those buffs could make the spriest broken at 40 for example but ppl outcries about wanting to balance the game around lvl 25, then it gonna be the same thing at 40, 50 and 60, sometimes “You think you do but you dont” is acually a thing.


Priest is one of those classes where gear does not help that much at all, it is melee who gets lot from good weapon and gear, priests are locked in their spell damage with some few extra points from gear.

I’ve been saying this to guildies and friends, and they all seem to agree:
Do not expect the game to be balanced at level 25. Play what you find fun.

Devs have fixed the most aggravating differences in power, but don’t expect them to aim for class balance just for it to be meaningless in a couple of months.

Adapt to the game. Don’t expect the game to always adapt to you.


I mean, do not expect the game to be balanced at level 60 either, it’s a frikkin’ Classic, its balance was all over the place always - and with new runes? Oboi.

The most I expect is them nerfing the most ludicrous crap and buffing the most useless crap and then leaving it at that and ending with 50% gap between top end and bottom feeder specs.

And don’t get me started with PvP. That one is going to be a lost cause from the getgo.

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All casters are mostly trash and contrary to popular belief , lvl up to later phases will just exacerbate the issue melee > casters unless Blizz do starsurge balace swings for all casters.

It would be fine is the community did not act like dungeons/ raids are e-sport, but this is sadly not the case, especially in Classic where the sweat must flow.

That is the price to pay when Runes scales way better than spells, hitcap for casters is crap, gear has bad sp values, spells scale badly to sp and finally everyone get windfury.

Rerolling from warlock (best caster but still miles behind) to feral for now.

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My solution to the DPS problems of shadow priests is to move the Twisted Faith rune to another slot, such as hands. This would allow for the use of Void Plague, as well as boosted Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay simultaneously. In this configuration, the player would be pushed to distribute more talent points into shadow. In this case Mind Flay would replace Penance and the use of a wand (with the addition of talent points spent to enhance its damage). Additionally, with shadow talents developed in this way, it is immediately clear that selecting Shadow Weaving talent, which would now proc more frequently because Mind Flay would be the new filler, would be beneficial.

In summary, the player loses Penance for stronger Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, and most likely Shadow Weaving talent, which now procs more frequently. This makes the shadow priest stronger in PVE content while simultaneously losing a healing/damage ability that is very strong in PVP. Another advantage is that the class fantasy of this character is enhanced because we only use shadow abilities. This also allows for the selection of items that enhance shadow damage, which was previously mediocre because much of our damage was dealt by Penance. Personally, in my pre-raid BIS set, I use Bracers +9 Shadow Damage and Hands of Darkness, which enhance my damage. Also there are still items from BFD that also strengthen shadow damage, so the list of items for the class expands.

As most people should know, it’s not the time for Shadow at this level.
Some classes and their specs scale better in later phases. Common sense.

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I wish more ppl had that… I really wish…

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I 100% agree with your post. Shadow priest is extremely gimped, and it will only get worse with higher levels. Sure, as you also point out, at 40 we are least get our Shadow weaving utility and form, but:

  • We (practically) cant CRIT: And stats are much, much higher in SOD than previously. This is a real issue. Look at fire mages fx rocking 15%+ free crit and 100++ spellpower already, spriest not being able to crit alone will make other casters destroy us on meters in 40-60. More than they already did.
  • We go OOM: As a US poster has said, we need something here. Mind flay being free and allowing mp5 regen like druids wrath would be a possible solution.

Personally I think we are so gimped, that we probably would need following to be viable:

  1. Mind flay free mana cost
  2. SWD dmg buffed like 50%
  3. Twisted Faith merged with void plague so we get both.
    But we will see I guess.

Also, only thing my priest is good for is healing. Insanely OP healing. And I beat almost anyone 1v1 except affli locks and good rogues. But leveling? Farming? World PvP 1vX? Terrible. Try playing a hunter or rogue or mage, trust me, I have all 4 and priest is terrible :joy:

Oh, I almost forgot - I HATE Homunculi. I refuse to use it. It is weird as hell to be bringing BIS physical utility as a caster, it is insanely clunky with no pet bar, the AI is random and dumb. I often need to go in melee range to have them attack my target, feels so awkward to use as a caster I hate everything about it. Give us something like Psyfiend instead that buffs Shadow/magic dmg, a Psyfiend that we can control that can move and cast his own mind flay or something. I really hate this ability.

i think so change Priest Rune
Twisted Faith
Mind Flay and Mind Blast deal 100% increased damage and Mind Flay and Mind Blast deal 50% decreased mana cost to targets afflicted with your Shadow Word: Pain .
Shared Pain
Your Shadow Word: Pain now also afflicts up to 2 additional nearby targets within 15 yards. And the damage of Shadow Word: Death is distributed among the party members.
Shadow Word: Death
A word of dark binding that inflicts (* 261 / 100) to (* 305 / 100) Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes 50% damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target. And triggers Spirit Tap on hit.

The fact is though is that nobody knows what will happen, Shadow may very well end up being S tier or Frost mages even! and Warriors bottom of the pile! (would be fun to see the colossal rage if that happened!) but my point is that SoD could very well turn what happened in classic on its head, isn’t there 48 more new Runes per class to come?

I’m hoping that SoD end up very different from classic and in my opinion it totally should just to keep things interesting.

Or am I living in cloud cuckoo land for thinking this way? :thinking:

Well I would say it does not really matter what is to come but what we have now.

Is SP playable? Yes

Will it get invited to most types of group content right now? No it wont

You dont even need to try to join pug raids as shadow you will just get forced to heal.

All classes should be fun and atleast playable at any phase not get the: you will “maybe” become good later treatment.

Agree with what you say but as I mentioned, there are 4 more phases to come so there is a good chance that each phase will ‘mix things up a bit’.
If not then SoD will have been a massive disappointment for me. Would love to see the traditional underdog come out on top at the end of it all!

I mean what would the whole point of SoD been for if it mirrored classic at end game?