Priest lf Ret Paladin to quest/dung/level with!

Heya. An old fetish of mine has been to exploit the Holy damage increase to it’s fullest.
After being able to spec two points in Divine Fury as a Priest, and having been paired with a couple of paladins sensible enough to use and judge Seal of the Crusader, I’m completely hooked on Holy!

My dream is to find any paladin preferably specialized in both Improved Seal of the Crusader and of course Sanctity Aura.

Our deeps would be insane. And it’d be a blast :wink:

I just recently hit level 36, and I am available randomly on day time or 21-01 server time. Throw me a line, a mail, or whatnot.

Jultanen /ZT Alliance

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And there’s where I stopped reading :disappointed_relieved:

But that’s where it has a potential to get interesting!