[Priest RP] The Episcopal conference 🛐 - Conclave RP

I have never heard of that rly, we go with the LFR release


That’s a brainfart on my end. I meant LFR.


Are former priests permitted to Gatecrash?

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I wouldn’t say you’re not, but if you’re no longer part of The Conclave, no longer being a priest, you might not be aware of this gathering?

If you can reason your way past that, I’m always happy to welcome folk!


Totally coming for that on my Conclave character!


Oh! If it is in Tirisfal, right by the footsteps of the Monastery, it would be a shame if I didn’t come. Daring to have a meeting about your false southern Light so close to the Scarlets. We won’t barge in however, promise. Just very hooded listeners with radical views.


Definitely coming on my priest! I may bring other priests I’m currently teaching.


Scarlet Priests were present within The Conclave and formed one of the many Denominations present within the order, to that end any priest would be welcome. I’ve no wish for the focus of this meeting though to be split. If you have Priests who were part of the Conclave they’re welcome to attend through word of mouth. Keep it at that though, the last big lore development for the Monastery was its sacking and butchering of last hold outs by the Ebons, its with that in mind Corvenus is content to meet at Faol’s Rest for this first gathering.

We look forward to welcoming you!


given the ptr stuff and more could be argued there still there.

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The PTR can’t be taken for current quite yet, but a sign of things to come. Handfuls of leaflets doesn’t mean the monastery’s status has changed yet. All available evidence is that some survive, and that few had access to enough funding to do a run of leaflets.

I’ll reiterate: Scarlet Priests were seen in the Conclave and would again be welcome to join were they previously members and so aware of the gathering. I want the emphasis to remain to Conclave members and what is a very small, largely secret, gathering of Priest to take stock of regents events.


The leaflets are on the current live build of WoW already, just as an aside. I think it’s reasonable enough to ask people not to disrupt the event, though, since even with the leaflets there’s no actual Scarlets added in. Best of luck with this, Corvenus!


Giving this a tentative bump so that some more potential people could see!


There was an update here, but I changed it!


That is quite unfortunate for me, I hope there will be another meeting some day as I was aiming for Sinye to study under another priest whilst joining the Conclave.

If possible, it’d be nice to know whether any priests would be willing to take on a forlorn soul from Northrend for some Conclave RP. Some sort of mentor, maybe? It’s a bit awkward not being able to search IC, but it’d be wonderful to partake in Conclave events in the near future. :pray:

Kind regards
Sinye of the Seven Fjords

P.S.: I would love to work with Horde characters, too, if anyone is interested in using a horrendously high amount of the elixir of tongues! :speech_balloon:

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Ah now I regret that Faust has stepped away from the path of cleric and woudn’t be able to attend this. Though I’m really happy to see it being put in a plans.

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I’ve done some creative time management and the Episcopal Council will STILL be going ahead on the 27th of June starting at 20:00!

Sorry for the back and forth folks, was trying to accommodate everyone! I’ve pushed my Overwatch Pub Quiz back a week to give more time for fund raising any way, so its all good!

Corvenus is always happy to train and mentor, it was a significant part of his role in life as a Priest at Alonsus Chapel before his death.


Oh lovely, I’m so glad it’ll work out on the 27th! And yes, it sounds like an exciting idea to engage in crossfaction RP with a former human! It’ll make joining the Conclave even more wholesome! Until then!

Kind regards
Sinye of the Seven Fjords

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Ah shoot. I really hope that the first event goes well, it is such a great initiative. Hoping to hear many little snippets of how it went from people.

Sadly won’t be able to be there the 27th, unless things change last minute.
Hopefully things will align better for the next one, all things going well!

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Sadly with the Red Blade deep in the middle of a campaign, I won’t be able to attend this first meeting on the 27th. I’ll be sure to try and make it for the second, whenever it may be! On the plus side, it gives Nakobu some time to learn of the conferences existence too, given that his ties to things Conclave is pretty loose!


I’m looking forward to meeting my fellow Priests tonight for the first Episcopal Conference! It should be a fairly straight forward and uncomplicated evening laying the foundations and IC connections needed for more organised stuff and setting the stage for some Conclave themed RP!