[Priest RP] The Episcopal conference 🛐 - Conclave RP

Next Episcopal Conference:
When: 28th August 20:00
Where: Hearthglen (Chapel/ Town Hall)
Agenda: Troubles in the Spirit World
Notes: Bring Elixir of Tongues (I’ll have spares)

Hello all you lovely folks,

The Conclave is the order of Priests introduced to us in Legion. It is made of priests of many denominations: Both Light and Shadow, Elune and An’she.

To help facilitate and enrich Priest role play on our server I am organising semi-regular conferences for characters who RP as being part of The Conclave, or those who seek to join this order.

We aspire to emulate the theme and tone of The Conclave at our Episcopal Conferences by taking this passage from “Before the Storm” as a guiding star as to the nature of cooperation for The Conclave and it’s conference:

“When you said priests,” Anduin said, “I assumed you meant

“Priests just like us,” Moira finished.

She gestured to the various individuals milling around them. Among their number Anduin saw not only humans, gnomes, dwarves, draenei, and worgen—those who would be at home in Stormwind’s Cathedral of Light—but also night elves, who worshipped their moon goddess, Elune; tauren, who followed their sun god, An’she; and

“Forsaken,” he whispered as the hair along his arms and the back of his neck lifted.

One of them stood, her stooped back toward him, cheerfully talking with a draenei and a dwarf. There was another group heading toward one of the hall’s alcoves, carefully bearing piles of no doubt ancient tomes. This one consisted of a Forsaken, a night elf, and a worgen.


Seems like a fun initiative. Priests need love too. :+1:


Great idea. I’ll support you from a distance through prayers!


As someone with a character that is part of the Conclave and a desire to get to know more Priests IC

YES PLEASE. :raised_hands:


Very nice! I intend to bring my old Priest Character, and can be used for this!


I’ve been waiting for something like this!

Make it happen!


Well this is a lovely response from you all! I need to write a lecture for the Grand World Tournament tonight but I’ll also write up a more concrete idea for this gathering with some specifics and post it here later/ update the Original Post.

Thanks folks!


Our Priests have interest into this as well! Will keep an eye on this thread or any upcoming! :grinning:


Li-Lein was an active member of the Conclave for the duration of the Broken Isles campaign, and would greatly enjoy seeing old friends again!


I like this idea a lot! Nakobu’s not a member of the Conclave, but he has some loose-ish connection after having visited the Temple a couple of times for various reasons. I’d definitely be up for attending (and possibly dragging along some of our other orc-priests with me too!) and getting a chance to RP with some other priests!


I’d love this. I certainly hope vulpera priests might fit the bill? Not Conclave, obviously, but certainly believes herself a spiritual figurehead and guide.


This sounds very interesting, looking forward to hearing more in detail about how it would be organised!


I think a Vulpera who is a spiritual leader/ servant and healer of their people would certainly count as a “priest”. We see Tauren and Kaldorei in the Conclave though they worship differently from the Light Users, they are still Priests to their people and that’s what matters.

I’ll work out details after my lecture tonight at the Grand World Tounament and update you all.


Looking forward to see your idea!


Hello everyone!

Ok, so I think we’ll go ahead with the 27th of June as date for the first gathering of Conclave Members.

I think it would be very poetic for it to start in the very place we began our journey with The Conclave, Foal’s Rest in the Tirisfal Glades.

I had thought about hosting it in the Temple, which would be amazing, but I know that not everyone who RPs a Priest/ Priestess is one mechanically. So Foals rest will do as a start, to include as many as possible. We’ll be using the Bronze Dragon in Tirisfal to go “into the past”, again so those below 110 can still access the meeting.

I’ve updated the Original Post with new information and re-formatted it to make it easier to access. Here is a copy:

Next Episcopal Conference:

Where: Faol’s Rest - Tirisfal Glades
When: 27th of June at 20:00
Agenda: Introductions, Fourth War Debrief, Proposed Event: Memorial
Notes: Bring Elixer of Tongues (I’ll have spares), and make sure you’re in the older instance of Tirisfal by speaking to the Bronze Dragon if you are 110+.

Hello all you lovely folks,

The Conclave is the order of Priests introduced to us in Legion. It is made of priests of many denominations: Both Light and Shadow, Elune and An’she.

To help facilitate and enrich Priest role play on our server I am organising semi-regular conferences for characters who RP as being part of The Conclave, or those who seek to join this order.

We aspire to emulate the theme and tone of The Conclave at our Episcopal Conferences by taking this passage from “Before the Storm” as a guiding star as to the nature of cooperation for The Conclave and it’s conference:

“When you said priests,” Anduin said, “I assumed you meant

“Priests just like us,” Moira finished.

She gestured to the various individuals milling around them. Among their number Anduin saw not only humans, gnomes, dwarves, draenei, and worgen—those who would be at home in Stormwind’s Cathedral of Light—but also night elves, who worshipped their moon goddess, Elune; tauren, who followed their sun god, An’she; and

“Forsaken,” he whispered as the hair along his arms and the back of his neck lifted.

One of them stood, her stooped back toward him, cheerfully talking with a draenei and a dwarf. There was another group heading toward one of the hall’s alcoves, carefully bearing piles of no doubt ancient tomes. This one consisted of a Forsaken, a night elf, and a worgen.


Looking forward to this a lot! Haven’t seen a lot of Conclave stuff around before, so it is super exciting to hear about!

Also not having it in Netherlight is very much appreciated


This looks v cool!

Good luck, I’m pretty sure it’ll a massive success!


A question: what’s the timeline for this event? Is N’Zoth still around, or already dead?


Feel free to drop me a message in game, I’ll be on tonight from 19:30 server time for a couple of hours.

Hmm, good question. Corvenus has just returned from the Grand World Tournament and I think that was to mark the defeat of N’Zoth so I’m going to say he’s already dead, but efforts to recover are ongoing.


The general consensus seems to be “released on LFR = canonical event” on Argent Dawn. Mostly just to establish a common point of reference in RP.

Edit: Corrected.