Primordial Blast should be a baseline spell and not a talent

When I see that a tier set bonus relies solely on a single spell that happens to be a talent makes me furious. It’s such a bad way to lock players into one build for the rest of the season and allows no leeway. Specs like this include Elemental and Enhancement shaman with Primordial Blast, and Frost Death Knight with the, and I’m sorry to say it like this but, utterly stupid Ice Chill spell.

Things like this, in my view, should be avoided if it’s a talent. I’ve been forced to play a certain build that I don’t feel like playing only to be able to take full advantage of my set bonus.

In War Within this should be completely avoided.

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What should also be avoided is to put the same talent in 3 different spec trees instead of one class tree.

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Wait a minute… how about… they DELETE the stupid spell?

I hate it. There is no other way around it.

And I still cant get it. From all the SL stuff we got, they had to choose THAT? I mean : Vesper Totem, Chain Harvest, or Fae Transfusion… ANY one of those 100000000 times more fun that this bastardization of a healing wave we got.


I absolutely agree. I hate the spell and the fact that the class now seems to revolve around it.

My most hated thing is when a zier set bonus or now the new hero talents require you to take a certain talent in order to work at all.

For example the current set requires the primordial blast otherwise you get zilch, the totemic hero talents require you to take the windfury totem talent to have access to the tree at all… I really hope this is an oversight on their part.

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