Problem about rune placement issue with hybrid classes in pvp!

The problem example is , shamans can take earth shield and lava burst rune in the same time , thats why they have so much damage and so much self healing in the same time and that makes them nearly imposible to kill in pvp , a dps spec shouldnt be able to take a healing rune and heal like that or a dps spec shouldent able to take a tank rune and tanky as a tank .
shamans can take healing runes , tank runes , and dps runes in the same time.
and this is not specific to shamans, there are other classes that can do this like mages…
Rune placements should be revisited to corret this problem.

ele shamans are actually not running earth shield on their leg rune, they are running way of earth because the damage mitigation benefits > the healing from earth shield.

you are right that they could if they wanted to.
they have the option of running earth shield, give up WoE, and instead use burn with flametongue for more spell damage, but i’m pretty sure the meta is to run burn without flametongue and instead use rockbiter with way of earth.

some healing from earth shield can’t compete with 30% health, 10% damage reduction and 6% less chance to be crit, even if they get more spell power from flametongue.

its ironic that the enhancement rune sees more use from every spec that isn’t enhancement, outside of PVE.
classic blizzard L.

i m not compairing earth shield with way of earth ,that is not the point.

shamans can take tank runes(way of earth) , heal runes(riptide) , dps runes(lava burst) in the same time and that thing makes them op.

self healing is out of control in pvp ,a dps spec shouldnt be able to heal like that !
And this not about only shamans.
Mages,priests,druids,paladins even warlocks can do the same thing.
And that thing is killing the pvp .

I imagine the thing killing PvP is the gross overtuning of rune abilities in a version of wow that is already insanely bursty in PvP.

The only way they could balance PvP is to literally do what they do in retail and have individual scales for classes and abilities depending on PvP and pve but they would never do that cos what a massive waste of time. All you would get from that is all the classic Andy’s doing exactly what they already do which is complain about balance.

Look at the forums the only class I’ve seen not have some level of “please change this” is priest.

fine, then give us a stun + hex.
or else its not fair for the shaman players.
everyone else who cannot heal gets a bunch of other benefits.

mate, those are hybrid classes. mage arguably less so, because if you spec into healing as mage your damage is dogwater.

priests are THE healer class, its normal to expect even a dps priest to be able to heal.

i m ok with that.

mages can sacrifice ±%5 damage and heal full hp in seconds .
if healer class using dps spec , it is not normal.

ok but that doesn’t mean every hybrid has to have their healing gutted.
that’s a mage issue, not an overall hybrid issue.

mage going from pure dps to hybrid class was bound to cause issues.

shamans sacrifice ±%5 damage and they can use earth shield , riptide same time , and these 2 runes better than mages healing in pvp .

trust me dps specs self healing kills the pvp balance .

in sod dps specs can take the bottom tier healing spells with only 1 rune .
look at the wotlk talents , riptide and earth shiled are bottom in the resto spec , but in sod they can easly go elemantal and take wotlks bottom healing spells with only 1-2 runes .

ok but to use earth shield they have to give up shamanistic rage (next phase that will change though)
in order to use riptide they have to give up overcharged/static shock, which is far more than 5% damage.


yeah well, people called this out before SOD was even released and blizzard said “nah it will be fine, don’t worry about it. everyone gets to be OP”
we said “ok”
and now we got dps specs making use of high-end talents such as earth shield.
gg blizzard.

this is the game you signed up for m8.
riptide and earth shield on an elemental/enhancement shaman is the norm here.