Problem battling trainers

Hello, i recently started doing pet battles and i have problem with some trainers not having the battle option or quest, while i have the quest from og to battle them.

Currently the problem is with Lydia Accoste (karazhan) and David Kosse (hinterlands), and i cant find the reason why they dont offer the quest, i had no problem battling other masters / grand masters around the world.

I think this may be a bug introduced in the prepatch.

I see reports on the US forums:

and even a veteran PvP master whose pet battling skill was removed entirely:

Having said that, the whole Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms split for lower level pet battles never worked right, and always got confused if someone tried to do some quests on Horde/Kalimdor and some on Alliance/EK. That also could be at the root of your problem if you have tried battling on both factions.

The only thing I can suggest is that you visit all the tamers - on both sides if you have characters of both factions - and see whether there is a quest for you at any of them.

Oh. I just looked up your armoury. You completed all the Taming achievements up to Pandaria back in 2013. How do you say you recently started? You have already completed these quests, which are account-wide. Do you mean on a new character? You should not get the quest to battle them from Org on a new character if you have battled them before, but in my experience that is well and truly bugged, as part of the faction problem. You should, however, see the Blue quest mark above each tamer’s head, since they become repeatable when you have done them before.

Now I’m confused about whether I’ve understood your problem …

P.S. I just checked with David Kosse. My Horde characters do not see a Blue quest when they visit him, but my Alliance characters do. It’s a long time since I’ve done the lower-level tamers, but that is consistent with the Horde/Kalimdor Alliance/EK split.

Can your Alliance characters see the quest on the EK tamers? Can your Horde characters see daily quests for other tamers in EK?

Hi, thanks for your reply

Yes i might have done some stuff when pet battles released, wanted to complete it now, so i started learning what it is all about now, collecting pets and doing achieves now.

Checked all the problematic trainers with both factions now, and it still is not working, might have something to do with me having quests for many years in my log, but these quests cant be dropped.

I will level new char doing trainers to see if it helps, but it most likely is bugged, tried writing ticket, but it has been long time since these worked, now the reply just tells me to check wowhead.

Ah, the Old Quests That Cannot Be Dropped problem. We had that a lot with the Mists Spirit Tamers.

What exact quests do you have? Perhaps you fell into the Horde/Alliance trap when you started, and are left with an uncompletable bit as a result.

I imagine Support are pretty overwhelmed at the moment, but you deserve better than “check Wowhead” for this. I suggest you re-open the ticket saying that you have checked Wowhead and tried all the solutions, which I’m sure you have, explaining what you have tried, and ask that they remove the quests you can’t drop.

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