Problem with achievement - active listening

I write here cause the other places (except ps) are almost dead. Im tryin to do the meta achie and im unable to do
Bein a hop on hop off alt player im totally confused how to find where begin this. With this toon i have all the reps at max. with my previous one main i finished the main quests but the drachtyr who gives the first quest on the top of valdrakken is silent.

Maybe ive already begun the questline but i forgot it. There is a way to find where am i?

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This is all the quests in the Rebel Resurgence questline

Each quest on wowhead will have a script you can enter to see if you’ve completed it.

For example

See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(72411))

You should be able to go through your alts until you find one that has done some of the quest line. Hopefully it will flag up ‘true’ on one char and then you can try to work out where you are.

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perfect. thanks. i ignored it was possible.

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Best of luck and if you get stuck we’ll have to put our heads together and see if we can come up with some other solution!!!


Outside of that there is an addon called BTWquests and it’s packaged within separate addons per expansion and with tomtom it also points you towards the right coords as well.

It is really useful when you are aiming for loremaster or certain questlines. It’s not perfect by all means but it does show what you have skipped and such.

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this evening ill try to recap. lets hope :slight_smile:

done. thanks!

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