Problem with class design compared to other specs

To start off this isn’t a nerf / buff x thread.
Currently leveling my shaman and there is a significant thing to notice. Class tree is full of usefull stuff compared to warrior tree which is basically useless % increases and below average utility.

This class ( not even talking about enhancement spec ) has 12 second interrupt , probably best movement ability in the game in a choice node , purge , cleanse , off healing ( which is actually basically lay on hand without cd) , best aoe stun in the game , ankh ( budget cheat death) , personal 15% hp increase ( elemental) , wind rush totem , personal shield , group shield , mana recovery , knock up , slow , root , actually usefull raid buff and probably many more which i’m tired of writing 1 by 1.
On top of these all 3 specs are stupidly powerful. Enha is the best dps in game atm while elemental is also fairly strong and resto is also fairly strong ( if enha didn’t exist it could still be dominant healer).
Comparing this to warrior class tree we have intervane ( which most likely will kill us ) , really weak aoe fear , really weak shield removal talent , really weak group utility ( rallying cry ) , shockwave which puts everything on dr and basically trolling to use before capacitor , armor and hp increase talents which is extremely inferior to similar variants , stances ( lmao) , spell reflect ( which is the only good part probably) and storm bolt ( again inferior to any other single target stun) , a buff that actually only fully benefits warriors.

Yes i do know not everyone should bring utility , during bfa rogues were meta for utility and boss damage , shadowlands locks did high damage output etc. Also i do realize shaman currently is basically the answer for all utility needs because of the current dungeon pool.
Current issue is 1 class has everything combined. Unarguably best group utility in the game and best damage in the game. This is a really bad design problem. A class / spec shouldn’t be able to have everything combined. This is breaking the game. Current mentality in lfg is just invite a shaman he can handle every problem while doing more damage then everyone else.

A class shouldn’t be able to be the best at everything. Basically currently shamans are jack of all trades but also master of everything. Thats the current designing issue.

I opened this topic to the warrior forum instead of general but i doubt outcome would be different since i doubt they check forums.
I’m not asking for cr or lust kinda things and i really think that would make 0 difference for warriors on higher end content on the other hand i do really think there is something really wrong with our class tree which is an ongoing topic which doesn’t really need repetition.
Anyways sorry for wasting everyones time reading this i had to put this somewhere.


good point

Yeah, everything on warrior looks dated compare to majority of classes, and the play style of arms is horrible, so many modifiers to do dmg, and reliance on bleed to me is just bad.


Truly there are some classes who are master of all .
While we are the jack of NONE :sweat_smile:
Honestly its really sad .
At this point you are dumb if you invite a warrior over dk or paladin or shamy , evoker .
This shouldnt be possible that a handful of classes are the best at everything while some classes are NOT EVEN MID in anything . Warrior brain cant process this .
We need some serious changes to keep up with utility monster .
Surely you can get by , but is boring only getting by in ever season while literally every other class gets their share of being meta .

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