Problem with free realm transfer

Hello, i dont really know if i am here correct, but i would like to ask if there is someone who could help me, yesterday i subscribed to try wotlk, after many months when i left tbc, firstly i logged onto old characters on tbc that are alliance on horde dominated server, i looked if i have free realm transfer and i do, but seems like i cant use it for some reason? it wants me to to write to which server, but when i type it nothing happens? what am i suppose to do with this? how can i use it? its first time i am using this. help would be appreciated, dont really want to leave all my chars there when i see this free option


Same there. I have 3 characters on Alliance. Logged after some months. There is like 30k Horde players and 100 Alliance. I cannot do nothing there. No option of free transfer. Hope they will do something, or I will quit paying sub for this again.

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