Aside the low damage mind spike has another problem.
Why does this ability not proc apparitions? Seems like a weird outlier.
In short increase the damage of this ability, since s priest st damage is not too great at the moment, and make it proc apparitions.
Other than that, i actually like s priest talent and design quite a bit.
And aoe was FINALLY fixed, Jesus Christ took you long enough to listen and add a way to spread dots.
After more testing i realized just how weird this ability is, it’s a half spammable, but also a proc, so you are supposed to use this in place of mind flay, which is your spammable/filler, but only in certain situations. This is honestly convoluted as hell.
This ability is straight up weird and should be changed.
1: make this ability only work on proc
2:it also procs shadowy apparitions
3:increase the damage of the proc and the proc rate maybe