Problem with talents and LFG

Hi everyone. I have these 2 problems, maybe you guys can help me.

  1. When I inspect a random guy, to check the talents, I put my mouse in the talent and it doesn’t show what the talent do. It require an addon to show or? I don’t know.

  2. When I create a group in LFG, for example to make 2v2 and I put in the note: Please, put in your note your exp and gear, some people write his note but it doesn’t show me what they wrote. They wisp me: But don’t you see the note? Can’t read? I don’t know either if I need an addon or check interface…

Can you guys help me? Thanks you.

First one is a bug 100%.
Many times it tells me they’re “Prot” or “holy” while clearly in dps specc.

Same in the raid UI, some ppl cannot change their roles & sit as tank or dps when they’re healers.

So ima guess the 2nd point you brought up is a bug aswell.
There is no required addon.

What can I do then?

Wait until it’s fixed. Or regarding talent, if you really wanna know what something does. You can google for the Wow Cata Talent calculator, there you can check all talents.

Blizzard released Cata with an infestation of bugs, poor service.

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