Personally I think the major problem with world pvp that
1. there is no motivation to participate in it
This a huge issue. And I not talk about reward. We see now what happens when there is only reward.
I talk about lack of consequence. And this is a personal obsession of mine, that the decisions in the game doesnt have any consequences…
Ok… you want to fight for honor, rewards, loot, kill time or boredom…
The major problem comes when you start to question
“why am I fighting…?”
Yeah… it is part of the game that a 40 man raid will spancamps you. But why fight back? If somebody constantly overpowers you, what motivates me to fight back?
I ended up making a resurrection sickned deal with Bwonsandi 'mon, used a hearthstone and turned warmode off.
Because there is no way I can fight back even 1 player who just stealthganks me as soon as I burn me cd on something, or when I am faced against a “horde of alliance” / horde of horde…
And even if I would fight back, the current reward gives the advantage to the other faction.
And what is the consequence if I turn WM off? What will the horde lose if I go to bambi mode?
Yep… this is a major game design fault here…
2. the nature of world pvp cannot be balanced
I hinted above. World pvp is NEVER balanced. And never will be. World pvp is about overpowering the other.
Most 1vs1 wpvp are ganking. Who remembers the time when you picked a herb/ore and you recieved a sap so the rouge could ninja the loot from you.
If you fight back you realised he wasn’t alone, and its teammates was fighting for any idiot who dare to fight back.
You started to call friend? They called more.
World pvp is either a gank, or a deathball vs deathball. There is NO…WAY…this can be balanced.
But I still would like to try it. But not on the fight level.
The game has all the mechanics and features implented already, it just needs to be tuned.
My solution and recommendation to fix world pvp (and even for pve players)
Just bring warfront to open world zones.
Such a simple solution, but with some minor changes.
One thing, the war never stops… There is no hard reset.
But on each day there is a soft reset.
On this I mean, the main base cannot be completely destroyed, just unlocks the faction zone leader raidboss for the big loot.
Each minicontrol point has a contribution game:
Attackers need to kill a string open world raidboss to go further.
Defenders need to contribute loot from rare elites.
At the end of the day the faction with more contribution will controll that minizone the next day and a new fight begins.
All the current warfront objectives would have a different meaning in an open world pvp zone.
Since you have your clear goal to go forward.
And if you have warmode on, you want to sabotage enemy faction to advance.
As an individual you can purchase daily buff with the iron/lumber with your daily quest. So as the same way you have your stuff in warfront, you could buy extra attack/dmg from altar of storm, your personal npc bodyguard, etc…
however you need to make a decision as an individual. Since lets bring the old time back… you can make 24 daily quest for lumber/iron only. So you will be limited as an individual.
You could still get some rare drops as usual like now.
So cutting a tree WQ gives you 20 wood.
Killing a treant have a chance to drop a few…
So you have a lndividual the change would be the following:
Armory gives significant boost to npc-s.
Altar of stroms buffs the player.
Buying bodyguards is clear.
Building the base and killing enemy npc defender leaders wq should be GLOBAL!
And thats it.
Since the game already have CRZ system, only a small tuning is needed:
when players in warmode decide to be in group, they would be transfered against players who are in group aswell.
Same goes for raid. If somebody organise a raid group, they would be likely to go against another raid group.
And maybe this would be a good place to give the incentive what blizz came up with:
- pve players do the WQ for reward
- warmode on +10% reward
- WM ON and you are in a premade group +15% reward
- WM ON and you join a raid: +30% reward
And everyone can have their own type of fun. Slaughtering players with a purpose.