Problems with Holy Priest?

so? holy is not disc, two different specs and different players play it

Disc is the bm hunter of healers, you’re a tiny bit better than a pet. Disc just does damage and chains cc.
Holy is for those that can actually play the game and prefer high rewards for high risks in playstyle. It has a bit more setup and more spiky playstyle both in damage and healing.

Disc prevents dmg with shields, holy pumps heals

They suck even in pve, so there is a hope blizz will notice them eventually.


completely wrong, disc have higher skill ceiling than holy

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Says no one ever


I think easiest way to fix holy might be significantly boost flash heal, because currently there is very often situations when it is not possible to keep alive target with “spirit of redeption” + “Divine Hymn” + “Flash Heal”. Very often that is “spirit of redeption” + “guardian spirit” + “Serenity”. Basically that means after that i have nothing much left exept hardcasting “Flash Heal” which is weak. In my opinion during “spirit of redemtion” is time when i can recover my “Serenity” (CD of serenity is reduced when casting “flash heal”) , rather than waste it. That renew 20% boost is some kind of joke 0+20% = 0 :smiley:

Atleast priest has the ability to choose another if one aint good, some don’t.

yes, but not everyone have time and will to learn quite different spec. Its ok, that some specs/classes perform better some worst, there might be no perfect balance, but now holy is a D tier, basically too far from any other healer basically unplayable… its bad in pvp and pve.

It’s not about time or will to learn for my part. I straight up don’t like how disc plays.

If a rogue complained about their spec being bad, you wouldn’t tell them to go on a feral druid.

That’s how different disc & holy are from how they play. You shouldn’t tell someone that likes how holy plays to go disc, because it plays nothing like holy.

Lightweaver should be baseline and Heal should be buffed too ignore healing reduction effect

Hardcasting should be rewardet

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the biggest problem is that heals just don’t heal enough, serenity heals too little, as does flash heal

bump… just kind reminder there are some holy priests still alive :slight_smile:

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I got my 1950 in soloq top 100 ultra tryhard as Holy
and then rerolled MW where i got 1950 without reading my talents


Holy priest is fun mechanical wise, just need buff. Maybe next season :slight_smile:

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