Problems with Holy Priest?

I wonder why it seems no one cares about the Holy Priest. In Arena there’s literally not a single one above 2400 rating, and it’s one of the worst healer in battlegrounds too. They do class tuning every week, but there’s little to nothing for Holy Priest in PvP leaving it not really viable.


Venruki says holy priest are D tier :frowning: , even resto druid are far far better. So i would say it is officialy worst healer and far behind any other.
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Blizzard seem too only wont one priest heal specc too be viable, Holy is doing so bad there is no way Blizzard doesnt know
And eaven Disc is doing way too good they get buffs

But Dev are very bad on Healer tuning tbh

But Disc Priest is S tier, so why complain? Disc late last expansion was bad and Holy was best. I don’t see why a class should have both healing specs S tier for PvP.

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Because disc playstyle isn’t fun?

It’s also not like holy isn’t having problems in PVE as well. It needs an overall buff or a rework to the talents.

And in raid it’s performing well because archon halo is bugged and doesn’t adhere to the target cap properly.

That’s your opinion though. I find it fun.

Just saying, not every spec needs to be S tier for PvP.

They shouldn’t be absolutely garbage tier compared to others.

The buffs they’re pulling to holy is just clueless.

More healing on renew?

They could buff it by 300% and it still wouldn’t do meaningful healing.


How do you think Hpala felt for all that time… And they only have one healing spec. Priests have 2, and one of them is S+ tier.


Disc is basically a new class.


It’s not really irrelevant though. Disc has always been the main PvP spec for healing, and Holy for PvE. Although Holy was late last expansion. I’m just grateful that Priest is S tier for at least one spec. Disc has been dominating since release.

It is irrelevant.

Disc playstyle is so different from holy priest playstyle that it might as well be a separate class.

No really it isn’t. Pala has one healing spec, and was dreadful for ages, yet Priest has 2 healing specs, one being superior. Instead of attempting to fix the second healing spec for a Priest, even though one is S+ tier, they should have focused more on fixing Hpala. Priests should be grateful that we have one incredibly strong spec instead of complaining about a weaker one.


Holy priest does not play like disc priest.

It might as well be a separate class. That’s how different it is. I don’t play disc, because I hate how it plays.


Fair enough. I do see your point.

Just a question from someone who doesn’t play priest:
How should the difference be between the two specs in pvp?
Just as a example:

  • Disc: More CC and defensive, but lesser healing output.
  • Holy: More general healing, but a bit less overall defensive.

or maybe one focuses more on 1 target healer, while the other is a god healer in AoE etc?

Holy priest has been about healing in bursts.

Yeah, kinda understood that disc just so vastly outshine holy it’s silly.
I’ve always viewed as Disc being the Arena spec, and Holy being the BG spec.

The problem is we don’t have those bursts any more. Our heals basically don’t move health bars now compared to the damage output that a lot of classes have. Serenity in pvp situations heals for like 1.6-1.8 million something without any dampening or ms effects or amps to its healing. It takes roughly 15% mana to reset serenity without apotheosis and a bit more than 7 seconds of casting flash heals with no surge of lights. Mana is a huge issue for holy, even if you can manage to heal the damage you’re going to go oom long before most of the other healers.

During those 7 seconds it takes to reset it to heal for another 1.6-1.8 million(with no dampening or ms effects), people can have done damage far in excess of that healing.

Flash heal heals for like 600k.

And then Blizzard buffs renews healing… It heals for 380k over 21 seconds now.


  • Renew healing increased by 20% in PvP combat.

They could buff it by 300% and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Even 400% wouldn’t make much of a difference because the healing is done over such a long time.

Holy priest is completely undertuned in all areas of the game atm. The only reason they’re strong in the raid is that archon halo is bugged and doesn’t adhere to the target cap, if that gets fixed then good bye to holy priest in raids too.

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Don’t worry, they gonna micro buff holy priests renew and pom by 10% every two weeks until by season 4 they become viable.


But No specc should ever be below B Tier