Problems with macros


I’ve had some problems with some macros lately I wonder if someone would be good enough to help me.

  1. I have a macro which I use to change to 1h + shield to shield bash then back to 2h. This worked fine, but my most recent sword won’t work. I believe it’s due to the length of the sword name, “tiger” is on another line (as shown) any ideas?

#showtooltip Shield Bash
/equip slot 16 [button:1]Knightly Longsword of the
/equip slot 17 [button:1] Marbled Buckler
/cast Shield Bash
/equip slot 16 [button:1] Ancient War Sword

  1. I want a start attack macro and heroic strike to me on the ctrl press. I cannot get it working for ctrl but it will work with shift. I can’t figure it out, any ideas?

#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Heroic Strike


if a line of text gets too long, the line will automatically break inside the text field. But it will still be one line of text. Text (in a new line), without a command, will be said by your character.

In you first macro, you are using the command equip wrong. I assume you want to use the command equipslot.

The macro text should be as follows:

#showtooltip Shield Bash
/equipslot [button:1]16 Knightly Longsword of the Tiger
/equipslot [button:1]17 Marbled Buckler
/cast Shield Bash
/equipslot [button:1]16 Ancient War Sword

Regarding your second macro, make sure that the key combination you use to activate it, is not already bound. Ctrl + any number is bound to pet abilities by default.

Some optimization could be done for your macros. The condition button:1 is not necessary, it’s the default behavior, it would only prevent the use of the other mouse buttons. Instead of button:1 you could use btn:1. Instead of modifier you could use mod.



Thanks a lot fo taking the time to reply, I’ve noticed you help a lot of people and it’s appreciated.

For the second macro you were dead on it was already linked to a pet keybind.

When I use “equipslot” it doesn’t work at all. If I put a space “equip slot” it equips my shield minus sword and then on second press equips my 2h. This is on wow classic if that makes a difference and has worked fine with different weapon and shield changes while leveling, it only appears to have a problem with “Knightly Longsword of the Tiger” I also noted it’s the only weapon which started a new line.

I did some testing and apparently /equip slot 16 [button:1]Item only works with the conditional, that kinda threw me of. :confused: The usage is still wrong, though. The macro is not interpreting slot 16 and is instead just using /equip as if you were doing a right click on the item in your bag.

My suggested macro wasn’t working, cause I messed up the conditional. I edited it. The line break shouldn’t be an issue but you could try the macro without the conditional or write button:1 as btn:1 and see if it works.

But for all I know, the macro should be working. Maybe you have a typo? You can use shift + left mouse click on the item to insert the name.

Sorry, that I can’t be of more help. :confounded:

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Think it’s all working now, thanks for your help

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