Good evening everyone.
I have to say solo suffle has been a blessing for a PVP player like me. It’s wonderful, keep it. I enjoy it both as healer and DPS.
There 3 fundamental problems with current state of solo suffle though.
- Extreme differences in matchmaking rating which results in tremendous rating losses even when you go 4-2 and virtually no gains even if you go to 6-0.
- Queue times are horrible while playing dps. Especially on high-elo games (2200+)
- It feels frustrating, unrewarding and that you aren’t contributing as much when playing a healer. Most of the times resulting in being a heal bot.
Here are some fixes that can be easily implemented that could make things a lot better.
- Give loot boxes to the healers when there is a need. Similar system to what LFG in dungeons and raids have. Although the rewards should heavily invested in gold and random chance for mounts/transmog. It should REALLY make their while to play.
- Give healers a buff in solo suffle for quality of life. Whether that is increased mana regeneration, lower cd on trinket, higher % on direct cc reduction , higher amount of haste. Even 1 of these concepts would be sufficient.
- Have a system that with rating changes that has a maximum and minimum awarded rating similar to what RBGs have at the moment. For instance, no matter how much of a MMR disparity there is you still win 10 CR per win minimum and can’t lose more than 15 CR. That way high skilled players are rewarded at least a marginal amount of CR when they go 4-2 in an arena.
These small implementations would fix solo suffle to a great extend without altering the feel of the game drastically.