Proc rate of Destruction 2 set is abyssmal

So i’m sitting a dummy with like 6 immolates up and the proc to reset a Dimensional rift came after like 30 seconds. This leads me to believe the proc doesn’t even benefit from multiple Immolates, and rather is just a fixed RNG regardless of immolate count.

This is very sad. If any Dev is reading this, please look into the proc chance, as it definitely feels worse than just “unlucky RNG”.

To say it’s beyond unreliable is an understatement. The effect and Destruction tierset in general is very nice and fun design, but the proc rate needs a significant boost or to at least benefit from multiple immolates.

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The procc changes doesnt benefit from multiple immolates.
The best thing you can do to fix this “issue” yourself is to roll high haste and just pray to rng Jesus.

Well, let’s just agree that 10.2 destruction is abysmal overall.

Destro 2p is the worst 2p in game atm, it does absolutely nothing for you.
Even 2p from last season was doing something, even though it was really bad, at least it threw a bolt here and there and granted you 1% or 2% dmg amp. But this is unacceptable. Crazy part is that the amount of feedback given… and ignored is equal. :smiley: So here we are.

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Actually the proc chance is decreases per target the more targets you have with the immolate.

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