Profession animations

So its cool that we are getting some profession based geat that we wear to do our
cooking, alchemy etc.
Are we gonna get some updated animations tho? Or can we still do everything by rubbing our hands together?


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i wish we get some, i would love to see alchemists pour some chemicals togheter in one vial or chefs cutting fish/meat/veggies in base of the recipce.


Can’t wait to beat up people with my baton when I enchant their gear.

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yeh anything like that would be awesome. Just make it look a bit more real. Like the “game who cannot be named” has some awesome little prof animations.

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Would be a nice touch if they did more than just get equipped in our profession tab.

Speaking of professions, I think they should do something about inscription. It takes forever to craft inks from pigments. To get 500 inks, (which isn’t much for inscription) you have to smash herbs first to get pigments and then turn pigments into inks one by one. That process literally takes 10 to 15 minutes.


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