Profession "Skill not high enough" after update

Does anyone else have a problem with their professions now after the reset ?
I used to skin bosses like Slabhide, Umbriss, Beauty with no problem but after the update, it now says “Skill not high enough”.
I asked in a dungeon and another guy said he has that problem with engineering so i’m wondering if it’s the same with mining/herbalism bosses.

It happened to me too, can’t skin first boss of Grim Batol

This is happening to me aswell, I do all the dailies at tol barad on my alt and used to skin the spiders and crocodiles, now, although the “Skinnable” word on the target is still yellow, I can’t skin them, it just says “Skill not high enough” after the cast bar.

same problem here, with both skinning and mining

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