Professions for Self-Found Character

This morning I made a new Paladin and by level 6, had to sell my pants to pay for training. Being broke is a real part of the challenge! If I can’t use the auction house, what professions generate cash?

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If don’t have enough money for lvling skills you 100% doing something wrong
No prof will fix that ,just learn how to manage your money better

And lvl 6 is meaningless , get higher lvl ,don’t buy grey armor from vendors and don’t buy skills that you don’t need and most importantly plan ahead ,usually quests provide more then enough gold to lvl skills

If you know you gonna hit an even lvl soon , start saving money for skills

And if you still struggling get skinning and just vendor all your leather

So skinning is one.

Lots of mobs drop cloth and I was wondering if it should be vendored or take up tailoring and sell Bolts of Linen Cloth.

Leatherworking or any gathering profession

My brother in Christ you playing pally

  1. Learn how to manage your money properly
  2. Stop buying grey vendor armor
  3. Go alchemy+herb for buffs

Beyond skinning and fishing no other prof worth taking (money making wise )