Professions / gold making / getting stuck / spending more than earning

I invested in LW. I specced all my points in LW Discipline, Curing and Tanning, Awl Inspiring Works and some in Shear Mastery of Leather. I believe these are the only points that can improve my armor kit making skill. I was hoping to make some gold doing Fierce Armor Kits. My skill is currently 63+12. Even with Illustrious Insight I am 125 skill points short to guarantee q3 armor kit. The mats to craft armor kits cost over 10k. The q3 armor kit sells for 12k and I only have 25% cahnces to make it. meaning I will lose more than I can make.
I also have skinning. I am not grinding 4x4 and I do not intend. I want to do some casual grinding, but farming mats this way is not very profitable. I queue for solo shuffle and farm mobs in between the games. The gold yields are very low.
After having invested some gold in LW i ended up with 18k gold and it seems that there is no item I can make to turn profit.
I am sort of casual player but I would like to at least afford q3 enchants and some pots. I wish to have a profession that will generate some gold but at the same time will not consume millions to skill up.
I am not sure what to do. I read many comments people complaining about being unable to level their professions and being stuck. Is it wrong knowledge distribution? What prof should I get that will let me earn some reasonable gold?I do not have to be super rich. I just need some cash : )

Armore kits are alsow affected by Primodial letherworking so aroud 75 points from there, but even with maxx Discipline and Primodial you styll need Insights or inspiration to get rank 3

overal they are kinda bad buisnes cos to meny people use them to skill up

Stop using your Illustrious Insights. Your mettle is far too valuable to waste on consumables that don’t make money.

The reality is you’re no longer up against just your server crafting 1 rank of Consumable. You’re up against the entire Region, against players who have the Professions completely maxed out, their Talent Trees filled in all the right places and with Rank 5 maxed out Profession Tools, with stacked Resourcefulness and Inspiration stats depending on what they are crafting and these guys are sitting all day in front of the AH Crafting and selling, crafting and selling. They buy the materials in bulk when its cheap and sell the crafts during peak hours and they rely on Resourcefulness and Multicrafts for their profits, because if you have the right stats stacked up, you can make a pretty penny. That’s what I did to make 20million this expansion anyway.

The new system is heavily in favour of those committed to it, and for those who have taken it slower or come in late, there is no quick catch up system… which really sucks! Blizzard seems to have done away with the make an alt and sell low skill consumables culture.

All is not completely lost, but you’re not going to turn a profit until you have maxed out you profession 100/100 and got your secondary stats sorted.

Well thanks guys. The answer is simple in this case. I am better off going to actual work and buying/selling wow token, rather than spending countless hours playing a game.


I agree, I think the profession system is ridiculous - the simplified version was much clearer.

Or get your gather alt and just sell herbs/ores. There isnt much difference in quality there, as bots already destroyed the prices, but you can still earn quite some gold with just flying around. It sells in microseconds whatever the price.

You´re up against a whole region of super min/max auction house dwellers who do nothing else since day 1, its impossible to compete, but thats how markets work.

I gave up all crafting profession and do some good gold with just selling the materials. Which in most cases cost more than the final product anyway. Everything else lying to yourself that you make any gold with your goods.

Its sad but we already reached the same status quo before the professions revamp.

this is actually what Blizzard wants, and is why it’s been designed like this.

They know there will be players who will try and make money no matter what the system is, so they have made sure they are the only ones who make money.

And anyone else who wants to “just make enough gold on the side for the WoWToken once a month” can’t do that anymore. This is why there are no mission tables, less WQ’s, no Emissaries, and Paragon chests only have 1k gold in.

Casual gold farming is dead unfortunately.

Makes me wonder, where does the gold come from? In the end all this gold had to come from either mobs or quests, right?

I didn’t play WoD, but I hear the Mission table there was rather profitable.

But from Shadowlands and BFA, I just farmed Emissarys and Paragon Chests on multiple characters. Easy money, just time investment. Then I was selling Legendaries on the side for a good portion of the expansion.

For Dragonflight I just maxed out my Enchanting ASAP and spent Christmas Week selling Rank 3 Weapon enchants before anyone else could. Made stupid gold. Shame they nerfed it, but at least now I feel like I can get involved in the game again.

Passive gold income is not good idea , massive inflation in WoD or Legion when gold was super easy to get are great example why its bad for game

But about new Proffesion system , From gear pov now system is great cos alot of great items can by craft and its not P2w cos you have to get BOP materials to make 418 gear

From dedicated crafter its alsow great cos you can make tons of gold from fees for crafts

But it is kinda usless for any casual crafter and any1 who is late to the party cos no one wants anythink that is not max rank or is craft with chance for max rank

I see no reason why certain players should have hundreds of millions of gold while others cannot afford enchants. What do they do with it? Sell it online?
A new player goes to ah at level 20 and finds low ilvl gear for 1k a piece.

It has certainly made Professions alot more involved, which is what I think Blizzard wanted to achieve, so it’s not so easy to make a quick buck. But I kind of agree with Crocodilo when he says:

I have racked up about 20 million since the expansion started, and all the sets me apart from him is that I min/maxed it (without exploiting like some players did).

But I know how he feels. For the first 3 weeks of the expansion my Gold was going down, because there was nothing of value that I could craft, there was always people making it higher quality and for cheaper.

I sat and looked at my talents, worked out where I needed to spend my next batch to be able to craft a Rank 3 Weapon Writ Enchant, and it was all gold and glory from there on… (until yesterday when they buffed Titan Orbs drop rate :rofl: ).

But before that, it felt really horrible, and with the AH being Region wide now, just makes it even harder for casual players.

You have to remember Professions is a box feature of the expansion. It’s a main selling point. And the vast majority of players feel like they can’t even get a look in.

Crafting is not a good idea atm. I have max fierce armor kit crafter and I even lose some gold because consumption is getting lower, more people trying to be crafter so when you try to sell your stuff you might also consider %10-25 undercuts when you craft something. I would recommend you mining/herbalism, but consider the time you invest as well. Time is money :slight_smile:

One of my biggest gripes about the new system is having to craft stuff every week and give it away free to npc’s in order to get knowledge points. What a freaking liberty!

And that is exactly what Blizzard wants you to do ;).

If you want to make gold as a crafter your only real option is crafting/recrafting fees yeah

I disagree as a casual crafter but that probably has to do with what we define as casual crafters
in my eyes I don’t engage in the work order system other then making sure there’s enough for guildies to pick up to complete their weeklies. Most of my best gear, Asides from a BoE heroic raid helm a guildy passed down to me (he had tier), the crafted gear feels really good and is among my strongest gear.

I’ve also been able to make sure that a guildy who has engi doesn’t have to feel bad about not being a plate crafter cause he can just workorder the bop gear with his sparks from me.

Reason it feels good is because you can target the stats and being in control of your stat profile is really nice as a class that is very dependant on 1 specific stat (haste).

As a source of gold making tho yeah if you don’t go hard you won’t get alot out of it

i buy 3 wow tokens in 1 hr 100/100 LW so yeah this game is so p2w

i have tailoring and enchanting on my main and at the moment i just do the profession weekly q and selling mats for example enchants cost for the basic ones about 80/90 gold in materials to craft but the average price on the AH is 5/6 gold so i make more gold by just selling mats .

More like heavily in favor of those who abused the skill points before blizzard fixed it

Well… Of course exploiters were going to profit. It’s disgusting that Blizzard is yet to take action against the exploiters.

But it was still possible to make big dollar without exploiting. I made 20 million over the Xmas/NYE period, and didn’t abuse any system. I just analysed what was going to be selling well, and put my points in the right place.

For the record, I’m not making that kind of gold anymore.