Progression - Level 30 Project P2

Hi guys, you may have seen my first post but this one is slightly different,

Progression is a Unique project level 30 guild formed 3 weeks ago, That is currently starting to raid TBC content and would love more members to come and join us.

We have cleared Some of classic but as a lot of you know TBC is a lot more fun as there is a lot more content to be cleared and to do (we may revisit classic content in the future to finish it off). We have cleared all the Heroics in tbc (80% of these were hard and challenging requiring CC almost every trash pack). and this is the gear as well as crafted gear you can use when starting to go into Raids. (starting with Karazhan, gruul etc.) eventually progressing through them all and then we will Move onto Wotlk.

Because we want to be a community and not just a guild, there is no use of the AH, as you can easily farm for mats that you need for items and we have majority of people with max professions that will happily help out.

If you are interested and would like to join, We are based on EU Turalyon Horde and any class you want to play is welcome. (This does include any class/race combination you would like to play) You can use heirlooms and LFG to level up.

My Discord - Barthol#0190
PM me for more information or to be added to the server.

There is also daily streams on twitch from -

We hope too see you soon,

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