Hello guys,
I know that the Alliance have some good pvp communities, what do you guys think about creating one for Horde, and function like a guild?
-We are going to have a private discord
-We are going to have organized events
-We are going to have arenas and rbgs teams.
-We are going to be SOCIAL and friendly and we are going to bring the old WoW Community Spirit back.
What do you guys think?
If you are interested here is my battletag Mortharen#2213 (dont be shy!! add me and let’s create a good project together that can last years).
ps: invitation Link: https://blizzard.com/invite/2m7R7bh4DN
Awesome idea, we need this! If I was Horde I’d join 
Hello @Vaëyn and everyone, we are already up and running so there is the link:
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Awesome! What’s the name of your blizzard group?
lol sorry didnt saw!
PvP Playground
and there it is the current link ( that doesnt expire) https://blizzard.com/invite/2m7R7bh4DN
Hey thx, I updated my community and guild list!
That’s a shame, hope gets fixed.
can’t seem to put the link working… try this one
if you can’t please add my Btag: Mortharen#2213
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Is it set to expire or only have x number of uses? I know in WoW community interface, when creating invite link there’s option to remove those limits. Not sure about Blizzard groups tho.
Added you on Bnet. Please check your friend requests!