Im currently a 2820 score prot warrior with a few 12s done , ive been tanking since legion pretty much always high end keys, and so got a long history of tanking. I took a break in SL because of the state of the game, and i was kind of burned out from the game at that point. I came back in DF in the last season (s4) and managed to push my way to to 3219 score within the few weeks that was left of the expansion.
Now I would preferably like to form a group to push some keys with the same players, and that way create a group dynamic with the same players and be consistent.
You need to be around same score, and have xp from the dungeons, mechanics, and a good knowledge about your class and your role.
Here is my score in DF S4 https://raider.io/characters/eu/tarren-mill/Prav%C3%BAs?season=season-df-4-post
In BFA i was at 3980 score as prot warrior. And prior to that in Legion, i was playing a 4k score blood dk.
And this is my current io score and link https://raider.io/characters/eu/tarren-mill/Prav%C3%BAs
Feel free to catch me ingame for a chat if you are interested @ Pravús on Tarren Mill EU
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