Prot Warrior - Dealing with 3 min Cooldowns

Hi Guys

I’m enjoying the warrior tanking style (after trying paladin) and I’m looking for some quick advice on how you handle the main cool downs, last stand, shield wall at 3-4mins. As I’m used to the much quicker Pally main cooldowns, how do you use our cooldowns, it seems a long time between use to manage the large spikes in damage.

seems like u miss alot of your buttons … like demo shout, reflect and what about managing rage from dmg to tankiness via revenge vs shieldblock and ignore pain ?

on top u always have, slows, mobility abilities and CC … even a rally cry could work … and yeah ur a tank not a healer - so healer having cds to and of course they heal :wink: and dps can cc and interrupt to whats brings down ur dmg taken :wink:

You wanna cicle through your defensive CD. For instance, you’d use last stand on first pack, then shield wall on second then avatar and repeat.

As mentioned by cecoura, using shout generates a lot of rage which you should be dumping into shield block and ignore pain. Don’t use your rage on offensive abilities if you can’t afford using a defensive rage consumer.

Also, warrior is quite good at kitting on its own using intervene and Heroic leap or by simply slowing with thunder clap. Keep in mind you have a mass aoe fear which could sometimes prove useful.

The tank meta is not tanking, its kiting.

Just do enough damage out of mele reach and run around the mobs. :slight_smile:

#TheTankingKiteMeta, just how Blizzard indented it :slight_smile:

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