Destroying the rage generation and damage output of the Protection Warrior seems to be a miscalculation from your side Dear Blizzard.
The influx of rage is what makes the Protection Warrior enjoyable for 99% of players (who actually play the spec) and nerfing it to the ground not only from a dmg pov but also from a play style and enjoyment lvl is just WRONG.
Pls listen to the players that play the game and dont kill another spec for me. God only knows how many of your “spec tuning session” have messed up the game that I love so much to play /sad.
A better use of your time would be looking in to class/spec balancing e.g looking in to what makes Prot Paladins are the number one tank in m+ or why 99% of tanks used in mythic raids are DKs. Why should tanks players have reroll to kill a certain boss in a raid (Broodtwister) or have to gear up a new toon to get inv to a m+.
Hope you see this and listen to ppl that care and play the game.
I 100% agree.
Please don’t ruin the unique playstyle of Protection Warrior. If you want to change stuff please listen to right feedback from the right people.
Come season 2, Prot. warrior (the best PvE spec of the 3 warrior specs) will slide into obsolescence if the planned 11.1 changes go through as they currently are. While the Prot. warrior nerfs are undeniably massive, the two other DPS specs won’t receive any meaningful changes. Therefore, taking the 11.1 changes into mind, no warrior spec will be in a good shape going into season 2. As it currently stands, all specs will be outclassed by melee specs that are blatantly better in every aspect of mythic plus.
We as players can only hope that the developers at Blizzard will take a look at all three warrior specs again, compare them, one by one, to other strong melee specs, and make improvements based on it.
Do not be foolish 16s was done on Prot warrior before prot paladin became meta.
Look just don’t lie.
While this change is bad for warrior don’t do what you did here.
Can you point me to the prot. paladin damage nerfs in the official 11.1 patch notes? Because I don’t see them. That’s because there are no relevant damage nerfs. All I see is that the prot. paladin’s 11.1 4-set bonus is one of the best, if not the best compared to what other specs receive.
Prot. paladin currently absolutely dominates higher keys, and that trickles down to lower keys (+12/13 and lower) as well. Without changes, and because of the fact that other tanks like prot. warriors are getting massive nerfs, we will see prot. paladins dominate in season 2 again.
Why do you post something without source? I asked you to point me to the official 11.1 patch notes, not some datamined stuff that may or may not be patched into the game.
Yes, that’s why I said
Of course if there are changes to prot. paladins during now and 11.1 release, season 2 might look different. Duh.
You didn’t address the prot. paladin 4-set bonus. Do you think it’s garbage?
You do understand that those DO NOT EXIST right?
It is 100% datamined stuff as of right now
Literally the thing about warrior nerfs you are talking about here is only datamined it is not offical
Nope you might want to read again: These changes are for the first week of PTR testing and do not contain the full patch notes for the update.
What you think is the patch notes is the Development Notes not patch notes
So we agree that it’s not unofficially datamined, but the official notes as they currently are, yes? Shocking. It is the official patch notes for 11.1 as it currently stands, that’s all we have and all we can work with, everything else is speculation. As I said, without changes, we will see prot. paladins dominate in season 2 again - and this is still correct. So we can only hope for more official changes to come in order for the meta to be shaken up.
I am still curious what you think about the 4-set bonus for prot. paladins.
These changes and the new buffs are just a move in the wrong direction. There where no issues with the old prot warrior other than perhaps low damage. Now with gutting rage gen we are instead both less tanky and have less damage. Even with your added buffs. Just scrap it all and revert back to before you touched something that didn’t need it.
They tried to fix it, but in my opinion unfortunately it was still at the expense of the fun of the game. Sometimes I don’t have anything useful to press for seconds, then again it feels like 10 skills at once. I’m somehow missing a filler skill that feels good. Revenge takes away the anger from my IP, and especially at higher levels I think it is often very dangerous to use anger for revenge. Especially since revenge even needs a global CD. Collosal Smash feels like crap if you don’t have control of your character for 2 seconds (greetings from Fyr’alath).
my suggestions
Remove whirlwind talents and basically learn them (Fury)
Make Collosal Smash an instant, or with cast time
Give Warry Bloodlust (at least DD Speccs)
own sets for M+ for balancing (for everyone)
Free Revenge (at least with Proccs) from the Global CD
Scale Ravager with Anger Management (Prot)
removed Spear or Thunderous Roar, 2 pure damage-ulty buttons feel crappy (in my opinion). Additionally, Odyn’s Fury is overkill. With Ravager and Shield Charge together, you’re just hitting cooldowns for the first 4-5 globals without starting your rotation (Warry at all)