Prot warrior or Balance druid looking for new home

As title says Prot warrior looking for new home, or i’m willing to swap to my balance druid.

Looking for a guild that clears at least heroic curve every raid tier.

I’ve raided in several guilds since TBC. (if you want specifics just whisper me)

Prot warrior , main class and spec
Balance Druid. can play bear.
Brewmaster Monk, can also play windwalker.
Prot Paladin, ret also if needed.

Can play/raid any night of the week/weekend, no later than midnight server time, willing to swap to alliance if needed.

Whisper in game if you need any more info or dm me on on either.
Discord: Gronc(sam)#8278
Bnet: sam#22876


Hey Gronc. Was with you for a while. Hope you find yourself a new guild soon. Solid player and the farthest away from drama you’ll ever find.

Best of luck mate.

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