Regarding the PTR changes, you’re turning the prot paladin into the worst spec in the game. I play this paladin since Vanilla and I’m very unhappy with its development direction.
I recently started tanking M+ with my protection paladin, to prep it for S2 TWW - after a longer retribution period - holy pally main here, but holy is quite in a bad spot.
Before this I was tanking with my Guardian Druid and DPS with my mage.
In the past, when I was tanking with my pally it was beautiful because Avenger’s Shield was generating holy power.
Now it’s frustrating and I find myself often lacking the holy power to help my noob team survive, because I don’t have enough holy power to constantly cast both my Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory.
What is this horrible design of Word of Glory to cost both holy power and mana ? Who the sadistic maniac designing our class ? :)))
We’re no MDI players so we’re not experts. We just want to have a good time, play the game and have some decent progress, up to the point of unlocking the portals. Then we chill on discord and play some M+ for fun and that’s it.
This system is basically bad because you cannot cast outside of Shining Light any Word of Glory. When things are getting tough, you must spam your defenses and Shield of the Righteous so you cannot help the team with your heals. This is why I started playing a paladin, to help the others. What now ?! A blessing every 5 minutes and that’s it ? I’m very disappointed by the current state of the protection paladin.
Then what is the point in playing a paladin tank if you cannot support your team ?
I understand to nerf the damage. To hell with the damage.
I want to generate threat with my abilities so that I can keep the aggro even if my DPS is 10 item levels above me.
I want to be able to heal from time to time without going out of mana.
So here’s what to be fixed, in my opinion :
- Not enough holy power generation.
- Not enough mana to survive alone. My druid tank is surviving alone forever against a boss. My prot pally is OOM in like 2-3 minutes and dies to a boss if he’s alone.
- Make the abilities generate more threat. This is a serious issue if the DPS is outgearing me and is always dying. This reduces by a lot our fun and is making us leave the dungeon / game.
- Make Word of Glory cost only holy power as it was before. Wth is happening now to the paladins ? Maybe you’re thinking introducing also rage generation and combo points on top of holy power to be able to throw a heal. This is absurd. Shame on whoever designed the paladin to be like this. It is the worst class in the game now … mana and holy power to cast abilities. That’s quite absurd. And all you’re talking about now is damage done. Who the hell cares about the damage?! A tank is a tank. For damage we have DPS. Again, we’re not participating in MDI. We just want to have fun and play the game.
Make the game SIMPLER NOT MORE DIFFICULT !!! or you will slowly lose EVERYONE still playing WoW
Anyway, thanks for reading and maybe you will fix the game for older players also.