Prowl spell not available/useable - even though its a base spell

even with fully disabled addons, i keep having the issue that, usually after the first round of soloshuffle that my stealth/prowl gets “disabled”. not even clicking it straight out of the spellbook works or using /cast Prowl - so not an macro issue.
even with fully disabled addons i cannot get into stealth. It looks like a disabled talent in my bars…
the only way to get it to work again - briefly - is to restart the entire game between rounds… /reload doesnt help at all.
so far ive tried clean reinstalling the game twice, with no addons and i keep getting the same issue, which leads me to believe there is something bugged with my character.
i also encountered this issue once in a mythic+ dungeon aswell…

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Hey, i have had the full same issues. I made a post on NA too:

Hope they fix it soon.

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thanks for the info, seems like quite some people face the same bug.
it’s crazy there is no way to contact blizzard directly with a ticket or anything.
i also made a bug report.

i have 3 druids and i encounter the same problem with all of them…

Why would you need to, in respect of a bug?
Neither Customer Service, nor GM’s can fix bugs. Only the developers can.

Also, what does the tooltip say when you hover over it while its disabled?

I had the same on my Shaman with the Stormkeeper spell, but when I hovered over it it said “Temporarily disabled due to dungeon level difference.”

Idk I’d expect some sort of direct escalation option as a subscription based game, I basically can’t play the game until that is fixed as it affects the only content I play.
Anyways, doesn’t matter, I not here to complain about that. →

No, same tooltip, no changes. It just looks like its disabled. Typing /cast Prowl it gives out a base error like: “use /help to see available commands” or whatever it says.

Resto druid here, facing the same bug.

Completely reinstalled my game, deleted my cache/wtf/interface folders, and reset my cvars using the “/console cvar_default” – and still received the bug.

Absolutely no clue what could be causing it, as it seems that only a handful of people are experiencing this issue.

I wouldn’t know how to narrow down the Problem further.

Would interest me if I would have the same problem on another account on the same client. But there’s also a guy that has the same problem on two different regions…

i recorded the problem, @5:15 when the 3rd round starts, prowl becomes unusable.
i showcase that disabling all addons also doesnt help, its as if the spell is suddenly unknown.

Such an infuriating bug. Thanks for posting the clip. Hopefully we get some eyes on this…

Also, what are your shadowmeld and rake macros?

Wondering if those have something to do with it…

someone on NA recently posted this in relation to the bug:

I compared it to my clip and have found the same behavior. I didn’t use shadomeld stun in the first round so when I used it in the 2nd round it made it unusable for consequent rounds. – edit: i’ve just tried not using shadowmeld prowl in a soloshuffle but still ended up getting the issue. Seems that also Incarnation restealth leads to the same problem. So maybe for restodruids not using shadowmeld prowl is a temp. workaround… maybe someone can verify.

Seems that this bug stems from using either Shadowmeld or Incarnation into Prowl to rakestun. Using Shadowmeld → Prowl → Rake - it properly goes into prowl, but then doesn’t incur a cooldown after dropping right out of it. - I would’ve said the game thinks I’m currently still stealthed, even when not. But when I type /cast Prowl (which I kinda messed up in the video as I typed /prowl which doesn’t work anyways), it gives out the standard error “type /help for a listing of a few commands.” - basically assuming there is no such spell to begin with…

Hey, that is me in the NA forum. A specific macro was causing me to bug out. Haven’t had an issue since I deleted it.

Seems like you pretty much nailed it, but I was writing up this post, so I’ll mimic what you’re saying:

I can only speak from a restoration druid POV, but:

What seems to be causing the issue is if I’m already melded in cat form and then press a macro that casts prowl and rake at the exact same time (since prowl is off the GCD). It appears that prowl activates for a fraction of a second before rake hits the target, but doesn’t register actually exiting prowl after rake is casted (hence me not incurring the prowl cooldown in that linked clip). I can only guess that this is putting us into some sort of stealth limbo.

Important to note that I’ve only noticed this bug happen when I cast prowl while melded while ALREADY IN CAT FORM. If I meld in bear form, then cast prowl & rake, it has to transition to cat form before pressing rake, which seems to give the game proper division between all the actions. Using fluid form MAY bypass this and still give the bug (haven’t personally tested this).

TLDR; don’t use any macro that can cause you to cast prowl & rake simultaneously while already in cat form (since prowl is off the GCD).

That’s a temporary solution I suppose. As a feral druid I need a reliable prowl rake, almost necessary to have a macro doing it… maybe there’s another way to write the macro to do so but I wouldnt know how, other than explicitly splitting the buttons (or some weird castsequence).
Either way, 10.0.5 introduced this problem for me. I feel there just aren’t that many people facing the same issue even though I would assume many use prowl/rake macros.

Just tried another Soloshuffle after Update. Same issue.
No combination on Macro fixes this issue for me. It cant be a solution to just not use stealth and rake in a macro.

So now it’s been over a month since release of 11.0.5 that introduced this issue and since then i wasn’t able to have a single decent Soloshuffle.
Not even playing the game anymore at this point, sucks I can’t get this sorted out. :frowning:

There’s in-game UI for reporting a bug.

One sentence down it says I did as such.

Hey all,

I can confirm that we’ve seen similar reports, and that our developers are currently working on a fix for this bug. So far, it looks like this is happening when Prowl is being macro’d.

If you encounter another bug in-game, please report it to them, and they will be able to review it for you:

Bug fixes are often posted in our Hotfixes and Updates blogs, in the News section of the site.

Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your patience!

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Just wanna add my 2 cents here.
Playing feral as tauren, so dont use shadowmeld and still has this bug almost every rated game at some point. But have never noticed it on normal BGs or in open world.
I use regular prowl + rake macro though, so gonna test playing without it.

Nice to hear this has been registered atleast. I want to add, that that report a bug EU article leads to the US forums where you cannot post as a EU Account.

Correct, Blizzard does not want the EU forums used as a method for bug reporting, as the developers don’t read the EU forums. However the US forums actually has a specific bug reporting sub-fora