PSA: Don't Leave Instance!

God, I hate this patch. I was messed up in a vision by bad quest directions and map before, now this …

So I was getting one last run out of the way on an alt, and was done with my quest and low on sanity, and decided to Leave Instance Group rather than wait to die.

Big Mistake.

Why shouldn’t that have worked?

Anyway, I get exited to the Chamber of Heart instead of the staging area. No chests. No quest items.

So consider this a PSA: wait to die instead of exiting.


Thata lame design for sure, agree.

But if u had like 20seconds left, or so, why would u wanna quit/wait till u die(run of sanity) instead of going next zone for at least chest or few mobs to kill? Each memento counts

A fair question, I suppose. I was just tired of it, a bit disgusted with myself for even bothering, and wanted to be done with it.

Instead, I get to do it again.


I appreciate the heads up. I guess I am not surprised since visions are one of the biggest disappointments in the current patch for me but one always had hopes that they would have tested it a little more before releasing.
Right now, it just feels like an intern got his demon hunter, run it once and gave the green light to release it.
Btw, does anyone else getting a bug that makes your character auto run randomly while in visions?

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Did you defeat thrall?

You always have to defeat the main boss to finish, after you defeat him you get ported out.

Wait, you clicked to leave the Scenario by clicking the button and expected to be teleported to the Staging Area within the Scenario?

That’s on you. Should’ve known it wouldn’t work like that. Scenarios don’t keep progress saved when there’s noone left inside.


No, but that is an effect of one of the affixes, Entomophobia. You get stacks of it when standing still, and start running at 5. Jump to clear the effect and the stacks.

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Oh i see, thanks for clarifying this. Well, standing still as a destruction warlock is something that i do a lot :smiley:.


I was doing visions last week as balance druid in a group with a mage and a warrior. The warrior generally moves so much that he’d never noticed the affix at all (despite me and the mage talking about it). He stood still for too long this week and also thought that he’d got some weird bug when he autoran into another group of adds… He generated enough rage irl to fuel his next few attacks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Incorrect. You must defeat the last boss for the big center chest, which is important at low cloak levels.

After that it doesn’t matter too much.


Ah ok cool good to know.

Thats a big oopsie from the higher ups that decide what to do about the HVs.
I myself am stuck with their research permanently behind my friends because I thought the 2nd column of left and right were useful to pick first…

Big mistake… Should’ve aimed for Elite Extermination first but the game hasn’t advised me to go for it. Now I need thousands and thousands of mementos just to reach it so I can survive the sanity drain.

I dont even have an option to reset the research for X amount of whatever currency (like idk lots of gold?) to use the mementos in correct order. :sob:

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I am trying to think of something where it works like this (LFD, LFR, BG, Islands, Darkshore, …), and realised it doesn’t work like this anywhere. So why would it have worked?

And that would make sense if the rewards were given out, say, at your starting location at the gate of Orgrimmar, or at your last objective.

However, you transition from the CoH to the Staging Area, and then you transition again from the Staging Area to Orgrimmar. I was assuming that leaving would being me back to the previous transition.

One less unhappy note: the Postmaster sent my alt a wodge of mementos, and I’m guessing might have sent the quest items if I hadn’t already burned my last vessel repeating it. Memo to self: check your mail!


To be fair, it hasn’t worked like this in the Withered Army Training as well, I seem to recall having to die or reach the end if I wanted the chests. Or am I remembering it wrong?

You shouldn’t really have to know this.

I understand the arguments being made that Leave Instance Group never ordinarily gives you your rewards, but that’s because no other mode saves already earned rewards up for the end of the run. Most systems reward you immediately during the run itself.

I don’t think it’s good design, and honestly it’s probably just an oversight by the devs, that you can leave already earned rewards by leaving an instance which ends by you being forced to leave it.

It would make intuitive sense that dying and therefore leaving and actually leaving would have the same effect. It doesn’t work like that, but it should.


You can’t be serious. This was honestly not thought about at development stage?

Do they test anything these days?

working as intended, I really can’t understand your complaint tbh.

Why would you do that though? :thinking:

You get the queue pop when you click the gate in the chamber, you get ported into the alternate chamber with the echo of wrathion… which is also where you get all the loot?
Isn’t it obvious that leaving the instance will return you to where you were when you entered the instance? Not the entrance? The loot for visions is part of the instance, which is fine… just, don’t leave if you don’t want to miss out on loot.

Like people have said, this is on you. If you want to leave early, either be patient, or pull something to die/run out of sanity. Heck, I did my cloak objective one time and just went to get a drink while I died…

The only lapse I’d say is on Blizz’s part here is not mailing you your rewards… but even then, you’d probably left before the system even generated them.

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