PSA : Horde RP Community


Use to join the Horde RP community, building up and we have RP events going. Some are Horde specific, and others can be Cross faction using the Crossfac addon during holiday events. Or any other pre-planned.

And of course build your own RP events as well ^_^

Use to join the Horde RP community, building up and we have RP events going. Some are Horde specific, and others can be Cross faction using the Crossfac addon during holiday events. Or any other pre-planned.

And of course build your own RP events as well ^_^

This is absolutely something I would love to see people do! Especially in a community like this. As of late I've done some hostile undead events and while people outside of my guild are new to it, everyone seem to enjoy trying out new plots and I bet they are willing to be engaged in even more things if you really give it all you've got!

And if you feel worried about how the story direction might go for you, there's no shame in trying it out with a small crowd with people you know to get a hang of it. In some ways I can use the Horde for that to get everyone in one faction to really get into it, before trying to expand it cross faction.
I myself am currently planning to change faction for a little while since I have not really had much experience there and not really done much in terms of Horde PvE or RP content for that matter.. So if I see one up, I will be happy to join in on that. Will be nice to see how Horde are doing these days!
How to join?
12/11/2018 16:08Posted by Déss
How to join?

Just go to "Guilt & Communities", click "Join or Create community", copy-paste to "Join Community" and join!

Keep in mind though, we're WAY more social in the /join LFRP channel. But the community is great to join since when we create Calendar Events, we send instant invites to everyone in that community so you know what's going down!