As the titel suggest, for the love of god, stop inviting Augmentation evoker for Atal’ Dazar, they aint doing crap to get rid of the 3rd totem, it’s aboslutly annoying to run around between Totems, just because there is like 0 damage on one of the totems!
Just makes the entire fight much longer, then it needs to be.
It’s not about just swaping targets, it’s about the time wasted, by walking back and forth, thanks to 1 totem being like 50% behind + the Boss jumping, let alone having procs or dot effects, still kill one totem before the rest are done.
so not inviting Aug for atal will give dps players suddenly a brain?
doubt it.
I mean I had several AD runs without Aug and the dps are still not able to do anything right. 3k+ RIO players btw. still unable to control their dps and actually watch their screen instead of mindlessly mashing their rotation.
aug certainly makes this fight worse, but not inviting one will not make it a lot better most of the times either.
People are also not smart enough to kick the boss. When I played on a healer that has no kick or movement ability to place the kick, more often than not I had to heal through 3 stacks which is not very pleasant =)
You know you can hit targets from range as a mage? You don’t have to be in melee.
The tank isn’t capable of kicking the boss? I’m not tanking (yet) this season, but I always made it my responsibility as tank in BfA. You can’t expect dps to do it when their minds are all on the race to see who can kill their totem fastest.
That is a valid tactic, but almost all the Augvoker i have seen in my Pugs, cannot combine there last two braincells to figure that out, they much rather run around with the other DPS.
Alternatively they also love to breath over the Spiders at the end boss, oblivious to the fact, that they will still hit them.
I had aug player being weird all dungeon without pressing BL and all that
and when i said to him pls run out of ORBS because our healer is gonna do that
he somehow took that personally and left the group we finished 18 as 4 people with drums
This says a lot about aug playerbase
It’s definitely not impossible. I did a 15 AD at +3 in a pug with a Windwalker monk, Augmentation evoker and myself for the DPS. I tabbed over to the unattended totem with all my Maelstrom spenders. We did it with one cycle in spite of only having ‘two’ DPS.
yea it should be the tank BUT the boss jumps away several times and apparently the tanks don’t have dbm to see after which jump he is casting and waddle over to the boss because they used their mobility on the previous 2 jumps to do dps to a boss that always heals to full hehe
i guess most people actually have frames and cast bars deactivated on off targets
I know this might sound like a crazy concept to you, but those people are first of all not some random Pug, in addition to that, they are running 25+ which logically would imply that those people know what’s going on with there class and dungeon, unlike once again Pugs.
You overall never seem to understand the difference between the TOP Players and the average pug.
The difficulties in killing 3 totems simultaneously that you are crying about exist even without an evoker.
One player may blow CD’s and get way ahead or have procs or automatically do more damage to things at higher health or multidot all totems and not focus one.
This has to be managed, generally by people moving between totems. Your PSA is “augs mean you have to move”. All things considered, an average aug in Atal is still going to be better than an average “anything else” because they provide a net dps and survivability gain.
He may do that, but even then i haven’t seen this happend where then the Totem had a whooping 50% HP difference! Worst i have seen with 3 regular DPS has been like 10%.
Which is a lot more managable then a gap that massive with 2 DPS and a Buff Bot.
If they aint wasting there stuff on a Pack with 10% HP left.
If your experience with Aug have been pleasent, then go for it, mine have been pretty much all Horrible in AD, where they provided barely anything to the group.
Your hatred of augs is starting to seem rather funny.
I mean, it’s obviously the entire point of this thread. Not really anything to do with the totems in AD.
As of you creating this thread you’d grouped up with 2 augs in AD.
Surely the perfect basis on which to provide advice, right?
If you want to make a more credible thread that disguises your irrational hatred of the class, I’d advocate not bringing them in Waycrest because it can make breaking the thorns out genuinely hard on the burny boss.
Also, grats on timing atal 20. Whats that, you had an aug there?
It was 3, but okay, i mean 3 out of 7 is almost half my entire runs.
Can only say the one time i had one in WM and it was not as horrible.
Crazy, i know right, was a 21 before that, but a certain Dragon got munched up by the Trusty little T-rex, and later on flew over a few spieder on the end boss dying.
And isn’t it crazy how that “net dps and survivability gain.” was barely enough to time it by 30 seconds?
It’s almost like what i said, is just my experience on what i have seen in as i said, almost 50% of my AD keys with Aug, but nah i just dislike them for being Aug, sure.
Ohh i don’t know, i could rather have had a Rogue with Vanish for the Fixate, or a DH Nelf who could just Shadowmelt it and still have a thrid DPS for the T-rex, or a BM hunter with feign, a Paladin with Bubble, you know stuff like that.
Doubt it, another DPS for example wouldn’t have died on the Endboss, which would lead to having actually more DPS on the last boss, to not make the timer as close. And evendentally looking at your Pala Tank right now, your AD keys without an Aug also have better times then with!
My Hatred? 50% of my AD keys were with a Aug, you don’t have a single one, how on gods green earth would you even know how it is with an Aug in your AD group?