PTR 11.1 Survival Hunter? Crying Feedback

Just tried PTR 11.1.0 out the new pack leader rework is literally like watching those Family Guy videos (my buffs) with Subway Surfers on the bottom (my action bar) … how many times is Blizzard going to miss the point every patch :sob: :sob:
I’m sure there are plenty of feedback on the new useless and boring talents already so I’m just gonna BEG blizzard to give us back the things we had not that long ago:

  • Give us back our old powerful Serpent Sting (old viper venom SL , DF Hydra bite+extra damage amp) as a button. replace it with explosive shot I don’t care I already hate explosive shot because of the bugs FIX THE BUGS
  • Give us back a proper juicy Killshot Cleave/Bleed build(RazorFragments). a 3 target chance based noodle Killshot with bleed amp is nowhere near SL flayed shot or DF Killshot with cool chain sounds. the Crit damage nerf killed Killshot for Surv
  • Give us back Spearhead player charge. Spearhead is literally BLOODSHED from BM HUNTER with different tooltip :sob: the ability is so boring I keep forgetting i have to press it you just put a debuff on enemy nameplate please atleast change it to our old CHAKRAMS animations
  • Give us Wildfire Clusters just the animation and sound make it do 0 damage

I don’t care about the damage I’m getting bored to death playing Survival … I don’t care if Merciless Blow does 10 bajillion trillion criptillion damage and carries the spec for the whole TWW it is BORING forcing people keep an AoE ability on CD in ST rotation. How is this allowed? and how come you can have that and not Wildfire Cluster? Mongoose Bite/RS were nerfed for this? :sob:

If you remove hero talents you are left with spams of Explosions, Butchery and Kill Command you don’t even get to see your Mongoose Bite at 5 stacks Animation and Yelling sound effect unless there is this Random boar coming out of nowhere charging it up for you. Thanks mister boar for fixing the design problem for us Surv doesn’t feel complete or still feels like in Beta testing of TWW

Survival is no longer that unique underdog spec that maybe needs tuning every patch, or Buffing the Tier Set LIKE IN DF SEASON 4. now it is a “getting bored to death competition and your opponent is a Survival hunter” spec that shares everything it has with BM and MM(RIP SS) with tons of design issues and I can go on forever comparing the old Surv with new one and propose solutions but I don’t think they are going to do anything right now because they don’t have time and resources just like in TWW launch I guess fingers crossed for WoW Midnight?

(Long P.S: I’m not actually crying or trying to put blames on people since i don’t know much about the game development process and behind the scenes at Blizzard. I’m just hoping that Blizzard changes the way of thinking to completely change back the spec and rework Survival more like the new MM sooner than later because i know for a fact if we had DF Survival doing same damage numbers as TWW Survival + the new utility and defensive changes everyone would choose the DF version 100%. I just want my spec to be fun, look exciting to press a button like Spearhead seeing it happen and notice it and my options to be change builds and talents not specs)

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