PTR info so far

It seems from what I’m looking at demo is the worst performer in s4, followed by afflic and then destro.

Of course once more testing it done by more people and then the raid content is tested, it will be interesting to see how things turn out.

You’re very far from the truth.

Let me reiterate “PTR info so far”

I’ve also been looking at some new information and there does indeed show demo hasn’t lost it’s touch.

But more testing and number crunching needs to be done to see where things stand.

Also hoping that someone leaks information about the TWW hero talents when they’re partaking in the alpha.

since there are not tuning changes and most classes even keep their tier sets, why would anything change?

demo will stay good for pugging. destro stays crazy in highest keys premades with insane pulls and pretty crap in pugs and affli will stay in the gutter.

demo will be rrliant on tuning whether it stays good or not