PTR -> Paladin - please give some seal that would be usefull whie we are healing

Hi All,
Could we ask for some seal while we are constantly spamming FoL ?

  • Seal of Wisdom - we have more or less infinitive mana no need to use
  • Seal of Light - is joke
  • all dps seals does not help at all asa well

I woud take anything . We had Seal of the Crussade with a rune that gave spell dmg and healing but it was nerfed

any suggestions, please advice.

why should the devs waste their time giving you guys stuff you aren’t going to use?

97% of paladin players are ret, 2.8% are prot, while the remaining 0.2% are holy.

do you not think you’ve swallowed up far more of the devs valuable time than you had any right to as it is?

every patch can’t be dedicated to paladin and paladin problems, as has been more or less the case every single patch so far.

  • Ok, maybe need nerf on mana regen to use seals properly then?
  • It has a 70% chance to heal 74hp, every swing, every cast. Its VERY OP, only issue i suppose is it doesnt improve Your logs mr Human male.
  • Wizard Oil ←

Stop crying for more buffs its starting to become a Joke.

Nerf paladins.
Make them do 100% less dmg while bubble active.
Remove 6set t1 Prot and Ret, its too strong. 0sec internal cd on Holy shield procs.
Make Reckoning Talent only work with 1 hand and ONLY 1 extra swing, remove the BS runes that improve proc chance of it.
Remove the Pony
Remove the Pet
Remove beacon of light
Nerf prot paladins threat by like 100% and their dmg by like 40%, to be on par with other tanks.

Thanks in advance Blizzard.


Thx for your feedback, but I do not really care about distribution , rets or prots

Topic is about holy, Positive constructive comments are welocme,

go troll or cry somwhere else



i’m half serious though.
there are classes in far more desperate need of fixes and attention right now.

for example this is the 3rd phase going on pets spawning with 50% health for warlocks + their pets just get clapped by any and all AOE in raids cus they have no avoidance.

warrior tanks threat generation is in desparate needs of buffs.

melee hunter has been unviable for almost 2 phases now.

mages are the only class in the game who needs to sit and drink.

2h shaman still hasn’t got a melee rune for that build, forcing all enh dps shamans to dual wield which is currently causing extreme competition for all 1h weapons on horde side.

feral spirits, shadow fiend and all such temporary pets under the player’s control always spawn on aggressive (even when you change it to passive) which causes problems for anyone who doesn’t have the wits to make a macro to force them to passive/defensive when spawned (and that is a lot of people).

many things that are far more important than paladins getting to tick another box in their “how my class could be perfect in every way” list.
paladin has had enough time dedicated to them for now and they function perfectly fine in all their specs, extraordinarily well actually.

paladin playerbase just being greedy for buffs at this point.
you’ve had breakfast, lunch, tea, tensies, afternoon munchies and dinner and you’re at the point where you are asking for 2nd breakfast.

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Did you say 50%? Try more like 30-35%. Thank you.