It’s honestly the same caliber as me telling some1 to stop living on welfare and get a job (which they should). However I understand that these things are complex and rather than assuming the intellectual honesty or lack of it thereof of someone just because I happen to disagree with them, I’d rather just pick the actual post apart than attack the person.
Pretty sure I already explained that but okay, people tend to get emotional when a thing they’ve been passionate about for a decade is being ran into the ground (and it’s not just the recent changes) Blizzard has been keeping their heads into the sand for a while now and the lawsuit + all the recent stuff did not help
Okay but consider this. It’s literally just a game. Pixels and dooblets etc or whatever. There’s literally thousands of other games and other activities that don’t rely on you putting your faith in a bunch of creep perverts who can’t form a coherent plot to save their life.
So like if someone ruins your favorite car and then they tell you ‘‘why you heff to be mad, it’s only metal and plastic’’
this whole ‘‘it’s just gaem xD’’ meme is old and never made any sense in the first place as WoW has helped me through some very bad periods of my life
Anyway I’ll leave for now as staying here for much long will reduce my hairline (which I don’t want) so, peace.
it’s quite literally very minor changes that you’d hardly ever come across.
idk why boush is throwing a shapiro-esque monologue, but it really doesn’t read to me like the reactions to this has been
If you start crying about priorities, then do consider that every one of us has different priorities in what should be changed. Who gets to decide? You? Five people agreeing with you? In the end, it is the devs, with anything they want to add, change, or remove in the game.
If I’d be working on something and previously some creepos added really weird (and later also turns out, very unfortunately real references) /jokes or /flirts or quest texts etc, I’d want to remove them as well. And it’s incredibly weird to hear ‘arghH!!! priorities!!! clown game!!!’ screeching going on when these changes take likely no effort whatsoever.
I don’t know if I’m experiencing some grand disconnect right now but the reactions are like, just wildly disproportionate to what’s actually happening at the moment. And if these changes are so unimportant, then surely small bugs are also not necessary to be fixed, right? What about RP changes, like nobody has asked for them right? (see: Twitch reactions to any RP announcements)
didn’t know objectifying /flirts helped you through very bad periods of your life?
And now you are boiling out of your butt over a product that you pay monthly for. Comparing it to a physical thing that you can ACTUALL own like a car ain’t even the same thing in the slightest. Literally just stop giving Blizzard money and find something else to do with your friggin life instead of popping a vein in a forum.
People can be passionate about games, I dont think there is anything wrong with that.
I just think its silly and wrong to put the blame on these changes and the people wanting them, as the reason for WoWs downfall. They are not.
Put the blame on the bad design and narrative. Or on the creepoids that harassed their co workers.
These changes are not the death of the game, unless PP and Sex jokes as the sole reason you liked it in the first place.
Without touching on whether or not Boush&Sainur are reacting too strongly to what is going on, I do get the sentiment.
To me it feels like american puritanism suddenly striking all over. And okay, some jokes were cringe ( It is embarassing that it took me until yesterday to finally get the “Jormuttar is soo Fat” , even though I got the other ones), but they are going too far.
Plus, I think the reason is why some people are mad about those changes isn’t always just because of the changes themselves, but that Blizz is doing this while their whole game itself is in a terrible state that most players would rather be fixed, instead of changing paintings, dialogues and quests from over a decade old that nobody gave two cents about.
It just feels like their priorities ain’t straight, they should be fixing the game itself and be working on a safer working environment for their personnel and persecute the ones who let the trash heap of the last years happen, instead of spending time revising old quests, paintings and dialogues. I am pretty sure that had they done this at another moment in time, you would’ve heard far less from people, but now it just makes them look a bit eeehhh…
Them doing this and the bigger things arent mutually exclusive though.
But the bigger things take time to see.
The only thing that could really convince me these supposedly internally outspoken devs advocate proper changes (and not just changing text descriptions in notepad+) is if they went ahead and changed the dimorphism of some races.
Go on then Blizzard, show me where the money’s at. Give me roided out draenei females. It’s the right thing to do.
Edit: Bring back alpha troll female
Finally someone is asking for the right things.
Ultimately it’s just like the scandal (which gets placed lower on the iceberg with every passing day) where the real beef people have is that the game is garbo.
Why are they not all hands on deck working overtime on speeding up .1.5 or otherwise making the game actually fun to engage with, why are they instead wasting time plucking through 15 year old content for some wacky lines (of which some i immediately agree are good to remove but whether it’s good or not is frankly not the point)
That is true, some of the things do take time, especially the big things. But I still can’t help but feel a bit baffled that there are some people in Blizz who choose -now- of all times to start doing this. I get that they remove references to Afrasiabi and McCree, that is good, but it still looks like throwing the baby away with the bathwater to me.
Yes, and they also carry the consequences for the said decisions. Both the good and bad.
Again, the said references to the said employees have been removed. Those are not the issue.
The issue is that they are removing things that do not target them or specify them. Therefore, getting uncomfortable is a choice. Hell, you, I, everybody gets uncomfortable about some things but we don’t just remove them because of that. That’s not how life works.
I mean, I can understand them. If they tried to bring these issues in front of the public before this, saying things like “i get uncomfortable because of this emote”, then they’d been laughed out of the discussion. Because they’d admit something in a bloody video game got under their skin and that they can’t deal with it like adults.
So they instead opted to lie and say “actually many people suggested this in private feedback, thats why we changed them” because they knew they’d be shot down in public if they tried the other way. Instead of, you know, wondering why people see their PoV as being so ridiculous, they opted to just take a real rat route about it and force their vision on the game and treat their players with contempt, as per their own admission.
Nothing’s changed. Marketing myopia. Thinking that they know what we want better than we do ourselves.
I’d leave them be instead because I realize that I am disconnected from the game and do not live my life through it.
In the absence of an argument, resort to calling your oppositions reaction disproportionate.
Never heard of them so I wont comment on them.
Can we get rid of the guy going after the Winter Queen’s toes though or is that considered important lore for the Shadowlands?
Dafaq? ( I havent levelled a Night Fae char yet, got a warrior lined up to do so though).
I didn’t know about it either until it was brought to my attention. It’s part of the travel network where the dude wants soil that the Winter Queen has stepped on or something along those lines. Just all around very weird.
eh, she is basically God in that realm, so long as it doesn’t too specifically go on about her gamer girl feet it doesn’t seem that strange to me that ppl literally worship the ground she treads
I mean. Who doesn’t?
I think (and it sounds like it to me) that it’s just because the devs now can speak out about these things and make changes or idk. And some of these instances were made by the creepo workers implementing these into game itself. It does sound a bit bizarre, but to be fair, once they’re doing it now, I’d rather see it have consistency too.
Something something Aethas and harpies get changed too please something something.
Indeed - if they truly want to change something X about the game nevermind if the playerbase has grown truly attached to it, then they have the power to do so and the playerbase has the power to not play the game (or support it in any way) any more.
I do have an inkling that these changes probably aren’t really that something X to unsub over IMO, but it’s your money so you do what you want.
I moreso meant the instances where inside jokes made by creepo devs were implemented into the game not by name referral, but the inside jokes themselves. This might be more hearsay or made-up from what people have been writing in online spaces though, so I’m very vague with these, but I can very much so understand why some nondescript and seemingly more innocuous quest text from the monolithic era got changed too.
Do you think it’s impossible that now some people have pointed out old things that keep bugging them, especially if they’re devs working on the game and want to change those things? I don’t think (and might be wrong) they said ‘actually many people suggested this in private feedback’, moreso it was coming from the devs themselves throughout.
Come on, Boush.
Moreso meant a few years ago when there were RP questions on those Q&A things they did, and people kept trashing those questions on Twitch because ‘who even wants these things??? nobody asked for it!!!’.
Maybe, just maybe, people did ask for it. You and several of your friends might not have, but some people did.