PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

how’s teldrassil looking

Better then Cairne. :slight_smile:

the exact same teldrassil jokes in the year of our lord 2021 is a suitable thing for a spoiler thread because it spoils any sense of comedy present


i’m not crying, i just have an eye condition


if I was unhappy with my race choice I would simply disregard canon




yes, i do have my characters live on in my own canon with better storytelling and writing, why do you ask?

[the chad guy smiling meme i cba finding or posting here]



Why you always have to call me out like that? Smh😩

There’s no shame in not feeling bad for playing a male nelf (or tauren)

Blizzard really doesn’t get what’s wrong, do they? It’s not the game’s fault for their own deplorable behavior. It’s their own, toxic work culture that must change.

At the end of the story, it is the social context of norms, behavior and common sense that needs to be changed. People, no matter of what gender have a right to express themselves sexually, as long it does not go into objectification, harassment or being outright creepy. Women’s empowerment can come by in showing it is right to show skin and express themselves, without being harassed or shutdown by society. For society to be better, we must show each other common sense and yet give each equal rights as well as responsibilities.

By removing or changing these pictures, Blizzard made the blatant opposite, by turning women into Literally an object and and made it the other look like: ‘‘Oh cover yourself up because it is your skin made us harass you’’. If not women have a right to express themselves sexually in this game, then so shouldn’t men. There already are plenty of art of showing half-naked dudes with the perfect muscles and abbs. And by removing flirts (Some of them outdated tbh) they remove so much character and made the characters further into soulless objects. Sex is natural, and by not talking about it or just plain remove it and make it some form of social, unspoken rule that it is sinful somehow, then there is the risk that it would endorse even worse behavior.

But then again, why would I care? I’m having fun in FFXIV who knows how to handle these topics in a normal way.

Genocide, murder, city destruction is acceptable, sexual innuendos are not. Ironic.

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If they keep making posts about it, it’ll seem interesting and fewer people will leave. Right?

Now they need to make posts how the bad people are kicked out and the good and nice ones can work on their passion projects.

(and they get actual writers on staff).


All of it just works. It just works, guys!


Most of these changes are pretty good in my opinion. Only one I don’t really see much need for is greenskin, but it’s also not something I’m gonna be mad about changing either.

The Ace Ventura reference, the developer namedrops in a dungeon & the Karazhan text edit are all honestly fine or good to me.

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Think i’d rather instead have them releasing playable content

1 little edit is surely not gonna affect dev time but sifting solely through the entire game to remove ancient stuff week after week after week is maybe a bit wasting their time + ours just to appease twitter to keep their attention off the cube crawl thing


See the United Nations is holding back for now, but the minute one of those Taliban fellas makes a reference to his love rocket it’s game over.


I’m not sure if they know how anymore.


True but they could at least try


Most of these changes are inane. Lydon calling Johnny Awesome a “little girl” is funny because Lydon can’t tell the difference between an elf and a woman when Johnny begins sobbing.

Is “hot babes” a troublesome line? In a questline where the narrator is a narcissistic liar that also claims he killed Deathwing while flying around in a motorbike? Greenskins?

The mindslave change is probably the most impressive Olympic feat of mental gymnastics I’ve seen though. I don’t understand why they didn’t just remove the NPC from the game. So what, now she’s still enslaved against her will, but it’s more okay somehow because instead of removing parts of her brain he “pinched” it?