PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

it’s beautiful. i couldn’t have asked for a better ending to chapter 1 of the warcraft story which has been built up this whole time


I always wondered who the Jailer was every since I first played WC3 and saw he was referenced all the way back in WC1.

honestly i’m just disappointed that the jailer wasn’t also a goodie this whole time that was manipulated by an even greater evil

The Ultra-Jailer.

who jails the jailer???

Give it time.


end of chapter 2 of the warcraft story???

Lor’themar is white.

Nah, that’ll be Nathanos’s Gambit.

When I read in the WC3 manual about how the Lich King had great mental powers, I always wanted an in depth explanation that meticulously explains how this process worked, who created it, what makes it function and where it stems from because it was obvious at the time it wasn’t thanks to the Burning Legion. Thank you Blizzard for spending an entire expansion of World of Warcraft to explain what domination magic is and how it works, truly sublime.


who? never heard of them

They were like, a human or something.

ah super generic that must be why i don’t remember

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So are many Levantine Arabs, who have fairly light skin in contrast to the dark skin they’re stereotypically depicted as. So are many East Asians, who, despite the stereotype, have fairly light skin and not yellow skin.

zoinkers!!! omg ur heckin derailing my SUPER CEREAL discusserino about BIBBEO BAMES!!!

Go back to Reddit and stop crying.


tauren together strong


Crawling in my skin

This is you right now.

imagine getting owned by tauren posters on the forums so hard you feel compelled to make weird racist allegories about them


I mean, Tauren just want to be left alone and don’t want to be bothered with complicated questions anyway.