PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

this but unironically

why did we get draenei wrestling when we could’ve gotten Thalassian skyship fleet from the US RPers instead??

Welcome to the life of a nelfposter, where what you’ll get has a very high chance of being absolute trashfire, but you also can’t complain about it or you’ll receive dozens of comments about how other races aren’t getting anything! Hope you’ll like whatever they’ll do with DarkshoreTeldrassilQuel’thalas!

To not be too much of a doomer, I do hope Blizzard has learnt at least somewhat from the BfA-era that permanent limbo zones in cyclic phases are not fun and instead exacerbated the Cataclysm effect of affected zones. Maybe Blizzard will actually do it well this time?

Of course, the best practise with Blizzard games is to be incredibly pessimistic and doompost, because when your expectation is the worst, you can never be disappointed and only be positively surprised. It sucks that it’s the way it is, but hey - it worked out for nelfposters in 10.2! Sure, there were some stinkers (Shandris x Voss), but from what I’ve seen overall the reception had been of very pleasant surprise, ala ‘wait, this isn’t actually bad? I actually like this?’

Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:


Completely ineffective when dealing wih some folk who’ll not recognise getting literal years of horde narrative focus but responding with reflexive outrage when the next chapter of the slow burn (ha!) Kaldorei Tragedy drops.


WoD was ten years ago.

Time to let it go.

WoD was ten years ago, but people shifting goalposts for their complaints about night elf representation still happens today. :pensive::fist:


While this is a real possibility, it´s not like current Quel´Thalas is doing well in this regard either. Eversong is mostly fine, while some places are filled with hostile mobs even though it would make sense for belves to clear them out since (Sunsail Anchorage, Duskwither Spire, Falthrien Academy, West Silvermoon), overall I can imagine the land looks almost the same.

However, Ghostlands, despite Dar´khan´s death at the end of zone´s storyline, is the only Scourge area in Eastern Kingdoms where zero progress against the Scourge seems to have been made and I think it´s all simply because the zones were never updated. While WPL is almost fully cleansed, EPL has islands of healed land and fortified positions, Ghostlands just keeps being the same even in modern questlines.
I doubt people back when Cata revamp was announced imagined that we´d be fighting off Scourge invasion of Tranquillien in 2022 but here we are.

And Quel´Danas is filled with demons, its only friendly area is half-draenei and Sunwell Plateau is inaccessible outside of raids, and even then it´s locked to its TBC era decor.

There´s risk of Midnight locking the zones into their 44 ADP state, but I feel like (unless it´s absolutely terrible) it won´t be worse than being locked into their 26 ADP state.


Correct me if I am wrong but the only two expansions which had a major presence of Horde over the Alliance are Cata, where Thrall becomes the world shaman, and Warlords of Draenor, kinda, where you have mostly an orcish presence over other races.

WotLK, MoP, TBC, and many other expansions were fairly balanced. I will say balanced, even if technically speaking a lot of neutral factions feature a lot of Alliance-looking characters: Tirion’s Argent Crusade, Darion’s death knights, Dalaran’s human kingdom, and so on. With maybe Mist of Pandaria giving a tad too much spotlight to the Horde, it never stopped creating arcs for the Alliance (even if disliked by some): Anduin’s journey, the Alliance finding its unity again, and so forth.

Legion again gives the spotlight to Alliance races, with Horde races fading in the background in the later patches. Then BFA seeks to represent both groups, once more, with the faction conflict. We can try to claim Sylvanas and Saurfang had 10% more screentime or whatever we want, but the story spoke about both groups.

All of this without even mentioning the narrative found outside of the game, such as with Varian’s WoW Comic.

Anyway. My point is: while some expansions have seen more spotlight given to either faction, since Shadowlands, we really haven’t had any focus on the Horde outside of Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s marriage. I don’t care a lot about “muh Horde!!”, “muh Alliance!!”, but claiming that there have been

seems a bit unfair.

Before it was very much a give-and-take towards both groups. People wanting to have a presence in the story - even a minor one - does not seem too bad to me.

I have found out that the hardest thing to digest about night elf content, most of the time, are some elements of their fanbase.

No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

Speak with this guy and then understand why people make fun of night elf posters.

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Och, be that the Bjora…?



I don’t think that this will be the case. Sharding, phasing, invasions and competing with OOC players didn’t keep people from roleplaying on Zandalar and Kul Tiras a hell of a lot during BFA. In fact, sharding was such a non-issue that I don’t remember it ever interfering with RP-PvP. A lack of interest in the Shadowlands and the Dragon Isles was the primary factor that inhibited RP on those continents.

There will be no-go areas due to phasing and OOC player density, that much is likely. We will also likely have to put up with invasion events, which have been an issue since Legion and aren’t just a Dragonflight thing. But roleplaying in Midnight will definitely be possible, I think. Sharding will only be an issue if you want to run massive events with over forty people.

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If I recall correctly a large part of the reason why RP was enabled so quickly for Kul Tiras during BfA (and by extension Zuldazar) is because at the very start of the expac when Blizzard was phasing it they were pressured to quickly revert phasing so RPers could make use of Boralus/KT etc. post-haste, though this came about due to a helluva-lotta social media posting and forum posting to make it the case - something that didn’t happen with Dragonflight which resulted in, y’know, phasing just sticking around.

On a small-scale absolutely, I’m simply thinking about the greater community impact of it as a whole; we’ll likely be waiting a small while unless Midnight goes through the same social media RP campaign Boralus did to make it unphased A.S.A.P

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Shadowlands sure, but Dragon Isles? I saw a lot of RP events there. Weekly explorer caravans, weyrnsmeets, tavern nights, and <Kirin Tor Intelligence> did RP campaigns in the Azure Span, to name a few.


Relative to the BFA isles, which saw gigantic amounts of interest from the roleplaying community in my experience.

Pretty much the only roleplay that will be inhibited during that period is public events with over forty people attending, RP-PvP (which would be a little bizarre in an expansion that focuses on elven reunification) and spontaneous random encounter RP (which only really happens in hubs anyway).

The vast majority of RP is “small scale” so I don’t think it’s something that will keep people from roleplaying Midnight stuff for 1.5 years.

At this point, people complain more about people complaining about people complaining about how night elves are treated more than people complain about people complaining about how night elves treated. When will the anti-anti-nelfposting come to an end?


They’re going to get another 20 cosmetic weapons now because you’ve typed this. Mark my words.


Like gnomanity then!

6 down, 14 more to go?

Where is mu Umbra-Crescent!?


Also, relevant to Horde interests, an updated orcish boat and goblin zeppelin.


I just wish they would use the Mag’har Aircraft Carrier more often… Why send little useless boats and zeppelins when you have a gosh darn Aircraft carrier!?

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Vindicaar syndrome.


This could be fun for Farmer RPers or Harvest Witches lmao

And we got a release date!


Thank you for posting all these updates.