PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

90% of RPers quit just before their favourite race gets new lore


I genuinely forget the mechagnomes are a thing.


I saw some people talking about how The Last Titan - being in Northrend - is their big opportunity ('cos of Mimiron) but I’ve got this sneaking suspicion that they’ll get at most a cameo from former-Prince-turned-pauper Erazmin and that’s it.

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Did anyone inform them that’s a completely different type of Mechagnome not associated with the Mechagnomes of Mechagnome in anyway.

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Well, Elthárin is technically derivative of Anoqeyån, in turn an adaption of the language of the Old Ones, the arcane language much like that of Chaos and even the skaven tongue derives from it in a warped form, and none of it is proper conlang work!

At most you get the sneaky angle where a given elf-word has one meaning and another opposite meaning depending on context. Wood elves can and will kill over it, and frequently engage in such wordplay in the worst fair-folk tricksyness.

If at first you don’t succeed, do more wrong until your initial transgression pales in comparison to your profane excess!

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Sincerely: Does blizzard know that


Out of boredom, here’s a tier list of the races, based solely on my opinion of how Blizzard has treated them and will treat them in the future.

Faces of Warcraft – they will always get love from Blizzard, love them or hate them.

  • Humans.
  • Orcs.

Oversaturated – gotten a little too much attention recently, whether good or bad.

  • Night Elves.

Regularly Updated – not a year passes without this race getting some attention.

  • Blood Elves.
  • Forsaken.

Adequate – in an okay place and are best left untouched, any update might make things worse.

  • Dwarves.
  • Draenei.
  • Tauren.
  • Goblins.
  • Trolls.
  • Dark Iron Dwarves.
  • Nightborne.

Unloved – left in limbo and in need of attention that will handle their unresolved plot threads.

  • Gnomes.
  • Worgen – soon to be resolved with 10.2.5.

NPC Zone – basically irrelevant and will never be used again except for the occasional NPC.

  • Pandaren.
  • Void Elves.
  • Kul Tirans.
  • Highmountain Tauren.
  • Zandalari Trolls.
  • Vulpera.

Memory Hole – never to be seen or made relevant to Warcraft’s story ever again.

  • Dracthyr.
  • Lightforged Draenei.
  • Mechagnomes.
  • Mag’har Orcs.

I agree with this list, except Gnomes should be lower;
NPC zone is where the Gnomes deserve to be

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Mayla not having a single conversation with Ebonhorn all expansion lets goooooooo


-Gives the most festering, seething side-eye to WoWs ‘languages’ possible…-


I think these 3 will have some attention in the next 3 xpacs.

Announce a new faction of elves, move all pre-existing elf races to it. Anyone who had a elf before gets changed to a replacement in their previous faction.

Then increase the faction/race change price to 50$

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You’re giving the gnomes a higher place then Blizzard loool

The day gnomes are featured in a WoW cinematic in the new, photo-realistic style instead of an ingame cartoony render à la Chromie, the universe will reject it and fold our planet into a tiny cube before detonting the sun.


It will be only Anduin, Thrall and Sylvanas for a long time. A small indie company like Blizzard does not have the money to pay for a new CGI model.


Knowing how blizzard treats their characters and they all have their spotlight moments we don’t even know if it was because we saw so much of her in legion that this wasn’t a time for her to tell her story now (such cringe words) or they just didn’t care about logical character interactions.

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We all know nothing short of blizzard taking the actual blood elf model polygon for polygon, paint all their gear blue and call them “high elf” will please the screeching demand.

I would love it if they just made them human sized night elf model with blond hair and pale skin, like the old pre-tbc blood elves were, but lets not pretend that is what people want.

what they want is blood elves on the alliance, a simple copy and past renamed to High Elf and nothing else will silence them.


Gods yes, I would love this.


That is what they are though. So that does make sense.


God am I tired of having constant sad grey Orc CGI everytime. They have Trolls, Tauren, Nelves and Draenei right there and none of those guys are given the time of the day.