PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I have my criticism of how night elves have been handled and treated but at some point this just gets embarrassing.


I think the Nelf community should just… Go quiet and allow Blizzard to forget about them. Perhaps then, they won’t mess them again. Even if we were to assume that every dev is trying to best to please, at this point everyone here is embittered. Everyone should let it go and move on, this car crash should be left to the hands of father time.

I think it´s a combined issue of them loving the Kaldorei empire schtick and also wanting to win. Anything that isn´t new Zin´Azshari built upon ruins of Orgrimmar would upset them.
I just don´t get why they don´t pick blood elves and Nightborne then, they are far closer to the old empire than night elves in terms of culture, mentality and general vibe. Nightborne even have the second city of the empire still under their control and in really nice condition (well, most of it).

The Temple of the Moon in Darnassus always felt odd to me because of the huge difference between it and the rest of the night elf assets. It´s basically ancient Kaldorei building stuck in the middle of the night elf city.

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Using the temples of old and maintaining them while all the other old byzantine architecture crumbles, giving way to their new way of life would make sense. The new home having its own temple using Legion assets or even an updated old style temple makes sense too.

Even so, I’m interested in seeing what a modern kaldorei temple would look like as grown from living wood and retaining the aesthetic. A dome of roots with an oculus to let the moonlight in would be cool. Moving on from the old way as exemplified by the horde-elves to make new buildings in a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding land.


The Worst Nelf posters.
The people who will not shut up about the Worst Nelf posters and reminding everyone else they exist/quoting them.

Not sure which is more tiresome tbqh.


The temple of Elune in Darnassus was a modern temple though. It was built after Teldrassil had grown large enough to support it.

“Much of the temple itself was crafted from stone brought from the mainland and transported by magical means.[10]

Maybe in-lore as such but certainly not built in a style of their current culture. It’s a dolled up version of the common temple ruin you find in Feralas and Azshara, utterly ancient in design.

Something new is called for and building it upon the vaugely east-asian style if their wooden structures might make it too pandaren, I don’t know…

In-game has often not reflected meta/actual designs.

We knew what Gallywix actually looked like for years, while his in-game model was scrawny and odd. Same with a bunch of big name characters. Cities being a fraction of their size and things being made using re-used assets is a game restriction purely.

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Why would it be called for something new now?

I’m not trying to be a contrarian, I think it’s an interesting subject. The night elven religious core survived two pseudo apocalypses, and while Teldrassil was dear to many I wouldn’t say much has changed in the elven religious belief system save for a handful of individuals who were unfortunate enough to talk to Elune directly. Tyrande even christens the new moonwell using waters from the Darnassus temple in her honor.

Heck, that image is in of itself fairly evocative of the old temple.


Just saying that the old temples served their purpose and that it’d be interesting to see things in a new direction since this new home of the dwindling kaldorei ought to have a temple. A moonwell is not a temple, rather a Holy Healing Hot-tub and a major holy site in the new area should have a distinct look.


Add a statue and some markers honoring the dead around said well.
The usual hand maiden statue in the centre with the markers dotted about.


I haven’t seen the new area ingame myself yet, but the new Moonwell is hardly the same as the common ones, as its not exactly a rock “pool”, so to say?

It looks more like a lake akin to the Second Well of Eternity, if not way smaller, then it does to the standard Moonwells.

That said, a “new kind” of Moonwell like this deserves a new kind of temple to be build around it. And I love the use of living wood by the Kaldorei, so I hope they’ll continue with that, as it focusses on their new culture and what defines them, while also keeping Druid society a big part of their culture alongside the common Kaldorei culture led by the Sisterhood. Ofcourse some small little throw back buildings to their old Empire, preferably used by the Shen’dralar, could be a fun addition to the mix aswell, as I assume not everyone(Shen’dralar) have grown accustomed to their new living standards yet😏

For now, I think Blizzard made a very good solution from the mess they wrote themselves in, while also giving a tiny, far away, corner of Amirdrassil to the less accepted types of their society like Demon Hunters, Warlocks, Death Knights, Darkfallen and Highborne


And you completely mis-understand what they find insulting.

Not one has said the zone is ugly, and the design is terrible - if you read the posts… the issue is the lack of a city for night elves, the lack of empowerment for night elves, the lack of night elves acquiring their zones, and night elves shown off in an incredible light.

they just seem to be sitting there happy to be village people and it’s not what most people consider great or epic.

Now there is nothing wrong and even something enviable of the peaceful setting - but the issue most are unhappy about is - ** IS this it? Is this all there is ** after all the crap, the nerfing and from what an epic race this was in War of the Ancients trilogy and Wc3 - it’s not that Amirdrassil is ugly or terrible as a zone.

But we all expected more, the zone seems way outfit of the way of night elf lands in Kalimdor and the broken shore, it comes at the end of an expansion blizzard are famous for just leaving things in one expansion dead in the water moving forward.

So dissatisfaction and pessimism have marred the beautiful story ending that should truly feel like a beginning with Assurances there is much more to come for night elves, yet we all have the feeling this is it, and if that is it, it’s not enough, because we’ve effectively seen our favourite race reduced and whittled to just living in a village under a tree, as druids - rather than the multi faceted dimensional race with an epic baring that was shown and told of in the stories and assets in game.

Night elves didn’t just want a tree, they wanted a tree and a city, they wanted their lands, they wanted to be powerful and feel iike they did in WC3 and War of the Ancients, they want to see the legendary groups and hero classes being as epic as they are portrayed in story or in earlier games.

Read the mood of the fans for this.

Did you know that night elf fans are not a monolith?

To me Amirdrassil is enough, it is being built still. It doesn’t need large stone structures, the kaldorei tend to work with wood. Wisps can bend this to the people’s needs. It can be iterated upon and improved.
There’s a weird sense of entitlement coming from many “fans” and they need to calm it down.


My friend, I think most people in here can attest that I am, actually, a big Night Elf fan!

And while Amirdrassil is not what I had hoped for as a new capital for the Night Elves, when Nordrassil and Mt. Hyjal would have been the prefered location for a new home/World Tree this is actually what we are getting and I am just accepting the positives from what we are getting, instead of wallowing in the negatives of what I actually wanted.

So yes, while there are alot of things Blizzard could and should’ve done different with the Night Elves, I will not wallow in self-pity on what could’ve been and accept and work with what we’re given. That, however, does not mean I will stop pointing out what mistakes Blizzard made and how I would like them to fix it. That does not mean that what I like to see also means what you like to see and viceversa

If that doesn’t make me a Night Elf-fan in your eyes, then thats a you problem, and not a me problem🤷🏼‍♂️


I love having prophetic moments.

And I´d argue that night elves living in big epic city is anithetical to their theme. Spreading out around the zone in small villages, being one with nature and all that sounds far more night elf to me than huge city.

I´ve always said that people shouldn´t complain about night elf fans disliking the story because getting a lot of story doesn´t matter when that story is garbage (which has been case for all of Shadowlands and partially Dragonflight with Amirdrassil being on Dragon Isles instead of Kalimdor).

But posts like this just reek of entitlement and main character syndrome. Night elves have been one of main story focuses of BfA, they´ve been the only race that got focus in Shadowlands (if we don´t count the questlines in 9.2.5, where they also got one anyway) and have been the only race that got huge lore focus in Dragonflight. Not only that, but we also got a beautiful new capital zone, something which the other race that lost its capital in BfA can only dream about.

And yet you´re here asking for more, acting as if Blizzard has been ignoring you and asking for more story focus. Worgen are getting their homeland back after 13 years in a minor patch, and that´s going to be it. Gnomes have yet to reclaim Gnomeregan in full. Draenei have their zones locked in TBC era. Void elves are finally getting story focus in Midnight after being introduced in BfA and promptly ignored outside of few quests in BfA war campaign.

If there ever existed a race in WoW that was due a nice calm five years long break (if not longer) when it comes to getting new major story content, it´s night elves right now.


Well, now it’s all come here. Well done. Hope it was worth it.

The only thing that would make this better is some popcorn.

Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.