PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I just miss the times when (I thought) the Old Gods were the Voids counter to Titans, and Titans weren’t giant, magical creatures hatched from a planet, but divine entities that could walk the surface of Azeroth and wage war against the Old Gods amongst their Titanforged creatures.

Yes they could be World Souls and grow/hibernate in/from planets but why do they have to be planet-sized (and crush Old Gods like gnats), and destroy the planet they come from?


“Wouldn’t it be totally cool if the Titans were living planets?” ~ Metzen, probably


That is a pretty cool concept, though, ngl…

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They’re fun-sized, you mean.

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The thing with the Old Gods is that unless you’ve a Wowwiki open IC you still treat them like the counterpart and antagonists of the Titans. Which is what they basically are, and it’s awesome. Especially now that their idols find more and more common place among the tools of the dark priests, so I doubt it’d be uncommon to pray for their return from the Void.

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The Reapers in ME1 and 2 were these unknowably ancient, coldly logical (their logic, not ‘human’ logic) and apathetic void beings that clearly did not Hate organics, because one does not stoop to Hate an ant.

ME3? Oh yeah, lol, they’re actually the rogue A.I./synth hybrid of some giant :peach: hole space Cuttlefish. Lol. Lmao.

Honestly I hate the lore they gave to shadow priests in legion and forwards. I much preferred the ambigious shadowcaster / occultist nature of the class and spec beforehand.

It’s also made it impossible to mix the specs together in a meaningful way, because holy is one deep end, shadow the other, and disci right in the middle.

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I admit, I do enjoy the duality of my Disc Belf - she’s usually all about the healing and protecting people, right up to the point where someone or something gets on her bad side. Then it’s off to the Shadow Realm, Jimbo.

I wish disc could lean in both ways. Duality is a thing in but some cultures, while a dedicated shadowmender is a far more common concept.

And then it can be dismissed as fake, too.

See my argument about everwyrm flightpaths in the shadowlands proving each fancy realm to be a simulation.


Stopped making sense when we went from “Light, a force of encompassing good that is brought into being by positive emotions can be balanced with entropic shadow, a force of evil brought forth from negative emotions, paranoia and fear.” to “What if Light and Void both bad guys? But also you must balance the mind-twisting paranoia magic and keep it around despite the fact that historically it wants to turn every1 into a mindcontrolled squid because uhhhhhhhh you just have to okay!?”


OHHHH GOddddd i’m morally grayinngggg auuurgh


As a Pandaren I see disc either as something akin to fistweaving, but with Crane blessings instead of chi and melee attacks, or a shadowmender that simply uses dark arts to heal, without sha or Void in general. There’s no need to worship the Light when it can be avoided, and same for the opposite.

Also, the forgotten shadow cult is all about Balance and mastery of Will yet consistently loaded with and founded by a Shadow priest.

I mean, it’s not as much ‘balance’ in the sense of ‘you need to mix light with shadow’ as much as it is ‘please, don’t turn into a full-on Twilight’s Hammer cultist on us’ type of balance, with the modern take of Balance Priests being very much the former, and the latter being pretty accurate to the edging-on-insanity-but-not-enough-to-lose-yourself gameplay of Shadow Priests.

I mean, one of their tenets is ‘respect’ and it’s described as basically knowing when it’s time not to bite off more than you can chew, besides the fact that being polite to people is generally a good idea in a world that already needs little personal reasons to proverbially spit in your food.

  • Merithra’s section doesn’t mention she’s the aspect explicitly, Ebyssian’s does.

  • Incarnates section states they gave themselves their powers via a ritual, which is how it is presented in Scaleborn War novel; this CONTRADICTS the in-game presentation of Tyr forcing the Incarnates into their elemental powers via experimentation in the 10.0 Dragonscale Expedition questline; NOTE: DF launched November 2022, War of the Scaleborn was released October 2023, this book was released just now; I assume there was a post-launch pivot on the etiology of how the Incarnates came to be because of the reception the players had to the various “Tyr Evil Scientist” threads

  • Khadgar speculates that Fel or Void is involved in the creation of Dragon Ascendants, which are somehow different than the other Drakonids also created from mortals

  • Primalist Tasarek are stated to be given a choice between elemental infusion or staying normal; Dragonflight Tasarek are forced to accept arcane “acceleration” to serve the flights

  • Dragon eggs develop spikes and stone like shells when ready to hatch

  • Dragons reach full adulthood at 10 years of age

  • Khadgar says Elves have “superior intellect” to Trolls and that Trolls were lead to the well of eternity by a fairy dragon

  • Druids affirmed to have existed prior to Malfurion :roll_eyes:

  • Druids could access the emerald dream but with great effort and deep meditation prior to Ysera binding Nelf Druids to the Dream

  • Hakkar’s blood is seemingly retcon’d as not causing Nightmare corruption

  • Khadgar incorrectly states because Blizzard incorrectly believes Oral Histories are not primary sources

  • The term dragon started to be used by Protodrakes pre-Titan shenanigans

  • The correct term for protodrakes are Primal Dragons

  • Dragonflight dragons are Ordered Dragons

Taken from the US-forums, if anybody woth Twitter acces has some more information, please share!

They also updated Kaldorei lore abit:

“Those dedicated to preserving the raw power and splendor of the wilds came to be known as druids, while elves with an aptitude for magic adopted the name Highborne. And so for generations these elves lived in harmony until the Highborne Queen Azshara, in her vast hubris, sought to trade away the peace and glory of her empire for the mere promise of power.”, page 23

Druids and Highborne (and Priestesses of Elune) were apparently the three cornerstones of Nelf society from the very start

Damn, no anprim revolution? I still insist highborne and modern belf historical records are very uncharitable to the horned tyrant Malfurion who personally tore down their empire with the aid of the priesthood.

I’m not sure they were druids as we know them, but since the nelves are evolved trolls I won’t believe they didn’t worship or at leask acknowledge the wild gods even during their empire days. So even if Cenarius himself might not have involved directly until Malfurion, the others wouldn’t be too far. At least in the earlier periods, while there wasn’t too much arcane around (Malf too struggled to not resort back to it while learning under Cenarius).

Good, druids have always been a little too elf-centric for my taste.

Interesting choice by Blizzard. Not sure if I agree with declaring that different humanoid species are naturally more or less intelligent than each other, but at least it’s done by an unreliable narrator.

This is a strange world-building choice. What counts as adulthood for a dragon, becoming a drake or becoming a genuine true dragon? Because if it just takes ten years for a dragon to go from whelp to dragon, I would’ve thought that the world would be flooded with these giant reptiles by now, instead of having them serve as relatively rare raid bosses.

Is there just an absolutely gigantic mortality rate for whelps and drakes, beyond being hunted by adventurers for scales?

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“Legend tells us that a fateful group of dark trolls followed the path of a winged creature […] known as a fairy dragon, to a font of immense power they claimed for their own. Transforming them into lithe and graceful beings of superior intellect

Khadgar doing a racism. The ol’ silver fox is officially cancelled and headed to the Maw (where all racists go).

Exploring Kalimdor: Troll (Zekhan) racist against goblins
Exploring Dragons: Human (Khadgar) racist against trolls.
Clearly, the next book is going to be Exploring Earthen and somehow be: Goblin (idk, Boss Mida?) racist against humans.

Complete the circle…