PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)


the difference it would make seems trivial but especially with the addition of dragonflying to the old world it would just give the whole place a fresh coat of paint


I do like a fresh coat of paint on old things, ngl!

Especially on old world stuff!


There are at least some new skyboxes, but it’s very weird, to the point where 2 characters on 2 accounts on the same PC, standing next to each other, have different skybox, one old, one new.
I can imagine some people may not even be aware that there are new skyboxes in at least some Vanilla zones.


When it’s raining in Stormwind the skybox is new and great, but as soon as the sun comes out it’s hot garbage again.


Called the Azerothian Archives, and is advertised as a sort of archaeological exploration-esque feature. Turns out its just several different mini-games in different areas of the Dragon Isles featuring some dragonscale NPCs and has no additional lore.

I am continually baffled by Blizzard’s choices. Archaeology is RIGHT there for a revamp.


Yes, I expected an in-game codex and/or archaeology 2.0, but I guess writing lore is hard.

Nice transmogs, at least. Finally we can get the explorer’s attire without pre-purchasing a 12 month sub.


I will forever be pissed off they did not revamp Archaeology for Shadowlands(shudders) or now Dragonflight.

2 expansions where Archaeology would make the most sense! :weary:

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Perhaps we should consider it a mercy.

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Korthia, the city of unimaginable secrets which the secrets just ended up as bag clutter that you turn in at some NPC who lives in a damp cave for some dopamine rep hit.


And the Dragon Isles, a land of ancient secrets to uncover… By which I mean turning in the occasional [Titan Relic] or [Dragon Isles Artifact] for reputation.


Who would win?

  • The two largest archaeological conglomerates in Azeroth coming together in a significant display of cross-faction cooperation to discover the secrets of the Dragon Isles.

  • Three funny-speaking dwarves stuck in Uldaman letting you pick up roughly two books.


Probably some character totally not related to archaeology in any way.

Someone on twitter dot com noted that the first lunar new years sub mount* since China’s servers went bye-bye has no Pandaria lore, and is also unnamed, breaking with tradition for the last like…4, I think?

Like I dunno if there’s a causation between those two factoids, but there’s definitely a correlation. And, you know, I just think that’s interesting.


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Does look cool as heck, though.

I was looking forward to an actual chinese dragon.

He’s cool though, just kind of disappointed.

I will say that a peeve of mine is how ungrateful some night elves fans come across as: recent lore has been nice with them recently, they’re currently the sole faction which is apparently getting any major focus since Shadowlands included, making it four years, so reading about how nothing is never, ever enough is annoying.

Yes, it may be not in the way they wanted, but at least you know your race exists. That being said… I do believe Lintian’s criticism is kind of right?

I believe Teldrassil was perhaps the most beautiful zone in all of Classic World of Warcraft. The sensation of wonder you felt as you moved through that magical woodland was genuine, whereas Amirdrassil’s glowy effects go a little bit into cartoony territory, removing a layer of immersion and depth to that environment.

Trying to catch that vibe’s going to be hard.


As the reclamation of Gilneas seems to be showing us, and as alot of the night elf treatment also has, Blizzard being aware of your race existence and giving them a spotlight is not always a good thing.


Fair, but in some cases, fans are asking for attention and changes, meaning they demand the spotlight.

Night elves had major arcs in: Legion, BFA, SL, and they are the focus of the one major arc in DF which features a playable race.

Personally I am glad they got it. I believe their story kept being reworked between BFA and Shadowlands because even Blizzard realized it was not satisfying until now.

I believe an arc where night elves can finally heal and move away from the past two expansions ought to be satisfying to most. I doubt we have seen the last of them (what is with Malfurion, weren’t they going to bring him back?) but so far let’s give Blizzard some credit for once.

This patch is the first one that actually got me invested in what was going on since… BFA, I think.

They took him, and it left a hole in my heart Blizzard has been unable to fill! :rage: