PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Now that’s what class quests should be about. Which can also mean the return of order halls, especially if they accomodate more than a single generic template of each class.


And who invited the Legion in…

Can’t say people should care honestly. If some posters can’t handle sharing caretakership of the planet with the shamans of the Horde then maybe they should’ve done more to stop dwarven imperialism and pillaging the Earthmother’s gifts…

Nor should they until something’s actually done about it. Like, perhaps, a long-coveted update on the Darkshore and Ashenvale removing Horde presence, or using all those shaman legacy to do something to Felwood… actual compensation for the atrocity instead of plain words and even plainer excuses to come to Bel’ameth?

Azeroth and Aggrammar for telling Sargeras about it. If you really want to say Kaldorei, remember it was just the Highborne who were a small minority during those times.

The whole thing is definitely something that shouldn’t be forgotten and treated with the gravity it deserves in-game and lorewise. I do understand wanting to move out from it though whenever it’s discussed onto other platforms… It gets messy and severely eye-rolling when it’s compared to IRL events or having to bring up Geneva convention and the likes.

Titans evil confirmed.

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Like half a decade of storylines dedicated to the aggrieved race that culminate in a state-of-the-art brand new world tree zone designed almost exclusively for their enjoyment?

I get that things didn’t pan out exactly according the desires and expectations of some players, but I think that more than enough has been done to make up for the sin of Teldrassil at this point and that if people still aren’t over it, they never will be.


This is an essay and a half and it goes for both factions and all playable races unfortunately (we have too many I firmly believe to be able to provide for all of them to a good standard) but I would very much like to see The War Within instead of focusing on creating a Cosmic War, focus upon the heritage of the Dwarves post-curse and linking back to their old heritage and culture with the thriving Earthern society of Dornogal; a place that undoubtedly has rich, literary, historical and oral traditions and texts to draw upon that the Dwarves can use to have a better, more comprehensive understanding of their history, their heritage and their culture as a whole. Dornogal shows us that the Dwarven fondness for alcohol production and consumption isn’t limited to fleshy Dwarves, so there’s clearly more going on there, why is that the case? How did that come to be a cultural staple? Was it borne from the monotony of everyday earthern life? Was it taught to them by locals or the Watchers/Keepers? What about music and art? The Earthern have the same large, bassy instrumentations in their culture and they have the same aesthetic of using stone and frescoes to portray history and culture.

If Midnight is taking us to Quel’Thalas it should immerse us in Quel’Thalas, take us back to the founding through oral and textual histories that have been passed down from the very first Quel’dorei, from people such as Dath’Remar; what did they find important in making a new home? What elements of their old culture did they preserve? What moved them to desire a change from a nocturnal way of life to a diurnal one? What do the modern Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei feel connects them together that can allow for reunification? What aspects have changed between the two over the long years of exile? Do the Quel’dorei, due to their scattered nature, heavily focus on preservation of ancient artefacts and history that they can offer to Quel’Thalas as a show of good faith, cooperation and desire for Elven reunification and peace between kin? Do the Sin’dorei have tapestries or the fragments of the crown of Elu’miniel that they could reforge to show a symbol of unity between the Elves through the Crown of the Last High Elven King, Anasterian Sunstrider? How has the Ghostlands and Dead Scar affected how the Sin’dorei live in Quel’Thalas? These large, perilous areas are bound to have an impact upon livelihood, especially when they go through the entire zone; farmers would have to move around them, rangers would have to shift patrol routes, blood knights and priests would have to focus on parts that show a possibility for restoration and thus for renewal. What about the Sunwell? How has the restoration of this ancient source of history and power to the High Elves affected modern Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei culture? They have a shared kinship as they both feel the impact of it.


It may be so according to the books, but all we’ve seen in-game was this weird timeskip and the Forsaken coming to the Emerald Dream and Gilneas, while the rest of nelf territories are stuck in the Cataclysm limbo or the warfront mess with no clear situation on their status. It’s like the famed duel of Cairne and Garrosh everyone speaks of but no one has actually seen unless they resort to the outside sources. So even though you’re right, it should be visible in-game to play with.


This might be a surprise to you but the world tree and the new city that the night elves got actually all happened ingame and you don’t need to read books at all to experience it - and even if you wanted to, there are 0 books or outside source that even deal with this plot line. It’s all 100% ingame.

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It’s not a surprise, but I’m talking about a third of Kalimdor now. I agree that Bel’ameth is a wonderful place, but it’s but one island. Although with how many other areas never even got their phasing right, I suppose I should ponder the continuing suffering of Pandaria instead.

Unresolved Cata plots and weird phasing issues isn’t a night elf centric issue. The Teldrassil plot has been resolved: Sylvanas was made to seek repentance in the Maw and the souls of the Kaldorei that died at Teldrassil have been reborn in Amirdrassil. The night elves have a new home now, and they are looking forwards to the future (among others, Tyrande has vowed that Darnassus will be rebuilt one day when Teldrassil becomes inhabitable again).

If you want to complain about Cata limbo and weird phasing, sure thing, I agree it’d be good if they made the world more coherent again, but that’s not a “Night elves deserve more for the burning of Teldrassil” related issue. At all. And as you rightly pointed out, all races suffer from Cata limbo to some degree.

I say this as someone who loves night elves and night elf story content . It’s time to move on from Teldrassil.


Yes, which is a shame as characters like Rokhan, Talanji, Thrall and Baine can be very interesting! Alas. Eitherway its a well known problem, Alliance fans hate seeing there characters and organisations/cities turn neutral, Horde hates having to use Alliance cities, organisations as their base of operations and both hate having to listen to each others characters, especially where it makes no sense(Lillian teaming up with Shandris in the Emerald dream like what?)

I mean, I know there would be people on both side of the community frothing with rage about this. BUT if giving the Horde some actual, proper story developments means they have to steal abit of spotlight from other, more well established races, I am all for it. It could even include a small arc where the Horde comes closer together under the leadership of the Tauren, who have been listening to the Earth Mother for many thousands of years already combine that with the voice of Azeroth chiming into the heads of Shamans all over the Horde and it could make for a nice arc. (And the Horde Shamans could work together with the Horde Druids to regrow life within the Barrens and even Durotar!)

I don’t know Elenthas, who are the ancestors of the Thalassian Elves again??? And who invited Kil’jaeden into the Sunwell???
(For realsies, tho, if Night Elves can be blamed for the Sundering, and there are Thalassian Elves around who were alive during the Empire, I argue they are just as responsible)

It is, but that does not mean they have to forgive the Horde already, or that I want an updated Darkshore, Ashenvale, Feralas, Felwood, Moonglade, Val’sharah, Stonetalon Mountains, Desolance and Mt. Hyjal.

I’m not asking for much, just that this prioritizes everything else, thanks.


I’m fine with it.


How’s this instead:

I know a very vocal minority backed up by WoW’s most influential e-celebs is sick of renewal after Dragonflight


That’s the one!

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I think Horde would be improved a lot if it actually lost something to one of the enemies from the new expansions. If one of the main themes of Horde is survival in a hostile world, it actually has to experience that hostile world and have reason for existing (Midnight might be along those lines, but I don´t think Thalassian elves reuniting is the Horde plot people have been wanting). It would also give Horde continuous relevance because it seems Blizzard is nowadays willing to actually somewhat resolve the story of restoring lost lands.

This is also why we see so much focus on the Alliance. There is a certain problem with Vanilla that is responsible for many things happening even in current WoW: Alliance is massive.
While Alliance often deals with its local threats in low level zones, the Horde deals with Alliance. A strange dynamic exists where groups that could be Horde (Blackrock, Dragonmaw) are instead fully hostile, while places that Alliance really doesn´t have to own (why there are more human towns in Lordaeron than Forsaken is beyond me).

When Cata came, Blizzard have decided to balance the numbers a bit. No longer were humans more populous in second and third undead zone than Forsaken. Ashenvale became more balanced, Azshara was given to the goblins, and one tauren camp became a meme because it was pretty much the only thing that Alliance got to destroy in this war.

This however created a problem: Horde didn´t look like it had to fight for survival, Alliance did. With Gilneas being in weird limbo and Theramore getting lost in MoP, once peace came, multiple minor Alliance factions were owned while the Horde was a-ok (it even gained Blackrock and Dragonmaw clans).
Then we repeated more balanced version of this in BfA, but still with the Horde as aggressor.

How can Horde say it´s a group of races that bonded together in a world that hates them and how they need to fight for survival when for over a decade now, the only time when they´ve lost a major settlement was from Alliance retaliating for loss of their major settlement? And how can it take part in the renewal theme when it has run out of things to renew in Shadowlands because Blizzard made the awesome decision to start the restoration with their one lost capital (which isn´t complete yet, I agree). Meanwhile, Alliance still has plenty of places that can be restored in their backlog and we´ll be adding Dalaran, the “neutral but made out of mostly Alliance races” city to it in War Within.

So, to return to my original point, this is why I think Horde should lose something big to an enemy that is tied to them thematically. Put the focus once again on Horde zones and then, once that focus moves elsewhere, give us reason to return to those zones in smaller patches.

Until that happens, the faction that bonded together to survive in a hostile world will always play third fiddle to the faction that´s the “staunch defenders of justice and duty” (Blizzard´s own description) and neutral factions that want to protect Azeroth against the bigger threats.

TL, DR: Have massive Void/Demon/Titan/Chris metzen invasion of Barrens and surrounding areas, thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Chris metzen


We kinda had exactly that in the Dragonflight prepatch, thanks to the Primalists, but sadly, it was never explained why would they raid the barely inhabited steppes instead of another Titan ruin. Or why there are so many members of the Horde races eager to destroy their home.

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Begrudging cooperation in the face of greater issues is a WoW staple.


So what you’re saying is that you want Orgrimmar to be the new Theramore?